Chapter Fifty-Six

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Ashley's POV~

Once everything stopped, Garica and I stepped out of the trailer. The store was completely missing, chunks of glass and concrete laid every where in thr perimeter. Emily came limping from the rubble, with two people on either side.

"Emily! Oh my," I muttered. I rushed over to help her and the other two victims.

"They're the only two who had a pulse." She mumbled.

"It's okay." I reassured. I put my arm out to help lighten the load on Emily's shoulders, began helping one victim to the ambulance.

Morgan cursed before rushing over also. He took the second victim on one shoulder and helped Emily on the other.

Slowly, but surely, we got the three to ambulance.

"Are one of you coming?" A paramedic asked.

"Can we both? She needs to make sure her baby's alright." Morgan asked. I took a glance at him, and he nodded slightly.

The paramedic sighed, "Yes."

Morgan called out to Hotch while I climbed in, then Morgan got in behind me. Emily, Morgan and I sat on the benches.

One of the paramedics looked at me, "How far along?"

"I'm 35 weeks." I answered. She sighed and slightly shook her head. She made her way over to me through the crowded vehicle. She sat down and placed a stethoscope over my stomach, then waited.

She sighed as she removed it, "I'm not an expert, but your baby's alive."

I nodded as she began tending to the others.

"Jeez, Ashley. You've got to be careful," Morgan muttered.

"I was in the trailer. I'm fine." I huffed.


Joey stood next to me, biting his lip as I went through another ultrasound. I sighed, getting annoyed with all the babying everyone's doing.

The doctor looked at both of us. He sighed, "The baby's perfectly fine, maybe just a little shaken. I need you on medical leave. No more working and no more going out in the field, and watch your activities. Keep it simple and don't overwork yourself, last thing you need is to hurt this baby or yourself."

"Yes sir." I mumbled.

"I'll write a few notes for your supervisors." He mentions.

"Thank you," I muttered.

He turned around and left us. Joey sighed, "Baby, why did you do that? That was so stupid."

"What was stupid? Doing my job? Saving my team and other innocent people?" I asked angrily.

"That's not what I meant. Why did you even work the case?" He shook his head.

"I didn't know until after I said yes. And I wasn't backing out. I'm not putting myself in danger." I stated.

"Why did you stay if you knew there was a bomb? I can't loose you and our baby." He questioned.

"Because I'm not backing out on family. Joey, you have to understand, this my job. You've known that. I warned you when we first got together. That any day could be my last. You knew that!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Yes, I did know that. But dear lord, baby, I don't think that I could live without you. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. That I couldn't tell that I love you everyday, I wouldn't see your beautiful face everyday, I wouldn't receive your love and support every day. That's my greatest fear, is to not wake up next to you, knowing that you're never coming home. It scares me, I'll admit it, it scares me that I'll have to raise our children every day without you, that they'll never see their amazing mother. It scares me," he replied, looking down. I watched as he covered his face with his hands and begin to cry.

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