Chapter Sixteen

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Ashley's POV~

"Nope. I got this." Joe laughs.

"Hm. Sure you do." I smirk again.

"What's going on?" Alan asks, laughing.

"He called me 'Princess Sassy', and thinks that he can get away with it." I say.

"She called me 'Prince Dork'." He tattles.

"I love you, but you're annoying." I laugh.

"Nope. That's it." He smirks. He ran to me, and picked me up; slinging me over his shoulder.

Alan laughed as he walked off; and everyone else was outside.

"Nice butt." I laughed as I poked him.

"You have a nice butt too." He laughed as he did the same thing.

"Ahm." Rossi cleared his throat. Joe turned around faced him, but I couldn't see him.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Hotch needs you at the hospital; and what is going on?" Rossi asks, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Ah, young love." He mutters as he walks towards the door.

"Alright then. Wanna take me to the hospital?" I ask.

"Two dates in one day? Sure." He smiles.

"This a date? Okay." I laugh.

"Eh. As long as I'm with you, anything is a date." He shrugs.

"I would kiss you and say I love you; but I'm staring at your back." I say.

"Here," He says, tossing me onto the couch. I sat up and glared at him. "What? I thought you wanted down." He says.

"I did, but seriously?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He nodded, "Yep."

I got up and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you." I said into his chest.

He kissed my head, "I love you too."

"We might wanna go before Hotch gets mad." I sigh, not wanting to leave the warmth and comforting feeling of his arms.

"Yeah." He mumbled. We walked out, calling a taxi.

Making it to the hospital in minutes, Hotch met us in the waiting room.

"What did you need?" I ask.

"Ms. Renyolds wanted to speak to you. Will you be okay by yourself?" He asks.

"Yeah. I'll yell if I need anything." I answer.

He nods, so I walk off towards Hailee's room. Getting somewhat nervous with every step.

I grabbed the handle, opening the door. I was met with Hailee laying there, with a smile on her face. I gave an awkward look, utterly confused as why she wanted to see me.

"Hello, Mrs. Stamper." She smiles sweetly.

"It's Agent Stamper." I corrected.

"Right. SSA Stamper." She smirked.

"Anyway, you wanted to speak to me." I say, crossing my arms.

"Yes. One thing; I hope you know that I'll never walk correctly. Ever again, because of this gunshot." She starts.

"About that; I'm terribly sorry. I really wished that I didn't have to hurt you. I hated that I had inflict pain." I apologize, being sincere.

"Hm? I'm pretty sure that you wanted too. Two; you need to watch your back. My sister was the one who threatened you. This was step one." She evilly smirked.

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