Chapter Fourty-Eight: A Lucas Mess

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With Lucas:
Same Time As Maya & Riley Are Talking:

"Lucas, you have to get out of your room," his mom said when she entered his room. Lucas hasn't been crying, but he's been up in his room for the last month super upset. Okay, he might have cried a few time.

"No. There's no reason to," Lucas replied.

"Of course there is," Amy replied. "Your friends are coming back and are gonna wanna see you."

"I'll see them when school starts back up," Lucas said.

"Suit yourself," Amy said before she left his room.

One Hour Later

"Hey, dude," Zay said when him and Farkle entered through his window. "What's wrong? You haven't talked to me, or it looks like anyone, for the past like month!"

"Uh, why don't you look at him?" Farkle said to Zay. They saw a Lucas mess. A mess of Lucas. A pile of Lucas laying under his covers.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Zay asked.

"Don't ask," Lucas replied. 

"Come on. Tell us," Farkle said.

"Fine," Lucas replied. He explained everything to them and they were shocked by the end.

"Whoa," Farkle said.

"Well, that's not good at all," Zay said.

"You got that right," Lucas replied. "I just can't believe she cheated on me! It's like Vanessa all over again."

"Don't compare Maya to Vanessa. Maya's a way better person," Zay said.

"And maybe she didn't cheat on you," Farkle said.

"She did. I saw it with my own eyes."

"Did you get her side of the story?" Farkle asked.

"No. But-" Zay cut Him off.

"Well then, there you go," Zay said.

"I know what it looked like, but we all know Maya. Don't jump to conclusions," Farkle said. 

"So have you just been up here for the past month?" Farkle asked.

"Yeah," Lucas replied.

"You need to get out, man," Zay said.

"Not right now."

"Alright," Farkle said.

"Call us if you need Us," Zay said before him and Farkle left out the window.

Lucas had a few things to think about.


Hey guys! I am honestly SOOOOO sorry for not updating sooner. I haven't been on Wattpad for a while. I've been really distracted, sorry. So today you'll get two chapters.

I know the chapter was short, but I hope you still liked it.

Guys, I have a really big problem. I need to stop. Basically all I think about daily is my crush. I always wait for the next time I'll get to see him. And I'm still not completely sure if he likes me or not. So if anyone's really good with this kind of stuff, and can tell me whether or not he likes me, i could really use your help and if you can let me message you about it, that'd be cool :)

I'd like at least 2-5 comments and 2-5 votes!

Anyway, BYEEE unicorns! And reminder I'll be updating again today so keep an eye out!


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