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Hehe hey guys

I'm FREAKING OUT! I feel like this was big enough for me to make an authors note about even though I'm sure a lot of you guys don't even care or might not even read this.


BUT Yesterday after church we all went back to our friends house to watch a movie. The couch was taken so I sat on the love seat and my crush sat right next to me!!! He rested his legs on mine right from the start. Partway through the movie I grabbed a blanket and a few minutes later he started to share it with me. I had my legs against my stomach up on the couch (lol i don't think this makes sense but whatever I tried lol) and at one point he put his feet in between my legs. He kept moving them around and at one point he "subtly" brushed his feet over "there" lol. Ik. Kinda awkward. He kept doing that. Then at another point he put his hands underneath the blanket and put his hands through my leg to grab the inside of my thigh. I was internally freaking out at this point. I was getting to that point before that but now it was just a full on flip out in my head. I was fine but I was only uncomfortable because my two older sisters were right on the other couch. I would've been completely fine if it wasn't for that. Then he kept doing the leg thing a few times. And then again he placed his hand on my thigh. He kept squeezing, which I'm thinking was probably to get my attention, but I knew if I looked at him it'd be super awkward 😂. I couldn't look at him no matter how bad I wanted to. And THEN at one point, he literally took both hands and grabbed my thigh. I don't mean like he just put his hand on it and squeezed a little, I mean he literally grabbed it. He started trying to tug my leg a little. I think he wanted me to get closer. But I knew if I did, my sister, who already looked suspicious, would get even more suspicious. Oh! and at another point before this, while going to my thigh again, he just slowly brushed his hands over "there". That made me a little uncomfortable tbh and I was gonna tell him to stop but he already stopped before I got the chance and i didn't know how to bring it up in an unsuspicious way. He would've stopped if I asked him to, Ik that.  He did that another two times I think but he eventually stopped. But at the end of the movie he leaned forward, grabbed my thigh with both hands, and started pulling me to him. I was scooting closer but the movie ended and he stopped because people started to get up and he probably didn't want it to look weird. BUT GUYS HE WAS PULLING MY FREAKING THIGH. HE WAS LITERALLY PULLING ME CLOSER TO HIM!  I WAS FREAKING OUT! I went to the bathroom after that and my neck  was sooo red! Luckily you couldn't see it. 

I still can't help but think he likes me. But I'm pretty sure he doesn't. I know what he is, I know the kind of guy he is. I'm pretty sure he just wants someone to f*** with. And I'm not that kind of girl, I hope he knows that. But I'm just confused. I really thought he liked me but then again, he probably just wants to get in my pants and it absolutely sucks!

If you read this whole thing, bless you. I know it was probably confusing sorry.
But yeah people were asking me for updates on my crush. I think i took it overboard with making an authors note that's 700 words though lol. Idk I just had a lot to say about the situation.

Anyway, BYEEE unicorns!!! 🦄

If I have more to say, I'll figure out a way to put it somewhere.

Until then, there's one chapter left, and I'm trying to think of a good day to put it up. If you guys have any ideas for good days that people are most active on here so that I can update then, that'd be great!

Again, I know it was long but if you actually stuck the whole thing out, thanks for reading!


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