Chapter Fifty-Two: A Disaster

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The Next Day:

"Lucas Friar and MayaHart?" Mr. Kenneth said, calling them up to show their project.

They bought it up to the front of the class and showed everyone what it could do.

"Is that it?" Mr. Kenneth said, after the project stopped working.

"No," Maya said.

"This isn't supposed to happen" Lucas added.

"You have two minutes to figure out what's going on and fix it," Mr. Kenneth said.

"Yes, sir," Lucas said.

Maya and Lucas searched and tried to figure out what was wrong.

"I think i figured it out!" Maya said, as she started to pull something.

"NO, MAYA DON'T DO THA-" Lucas got cut off by the project bursting into flames.

"WHOA!" Maya screamed.

"Someone get the fire extinguisher!" Mr. Kenneth yelled. Someone ran out of the class just before the sprinklers went off. They came back and gave the fire extinguisher to Mr. Kenneth.

Everyone ran out of the room screaming before Mr. Kenneth got the chance to put the fire out.

Maya and Lucas were just standing there shocked, with the sprinklers soaking them.

"You guys just gonna stand there getting soaked or are you gonna leave?" Mr. Kenneth asked.

Maya and Lucas left the room along with Mr. Kenneth.

The whole class was in the hallway.

"Okay, class. We will not be able to continue today, so tomorrow, everyone bring in your experiments, and we'll do it then," Mr. Kenneth said.

"Mr. Kenneth?" Lucas asked.

"Yes, Mr. Friar?" Mr. Kenneth asked Lucas.

"Look, I know what just happened in there, but can you please give us a redo on our experiment?" Lucas asked.

"You know, so we can make one that's less explosive?" Maya said.

Mr. Kenneth Sighed but replied with, "fine. You have until Monday to bring in a new project. But after that, you'll either fail or pass."

"But that means we have to work over the weekend," Maya complained.

"If you want to pass, I guess it does," Mr. Kenneth replied. Maya and Lucas both sighed and went to sit on a bench in the hall.

"Stinks that we have to do the project over the weekend, huh?" Lucas said to Maya.

"Well, we could just not do it and fail," Maya replied. Lucas looked at her in a way that said, 'really?' "Or not," Maya said.

The Next Day:

Maya and Lucas did a new project very quickly so they would get the rest of the weekend to themselves. They figured out what went wrong with the first experiment and fixed. So they're using that project again. They tested it out quite a few times to make sure it won't explode again. And it won't - or at least shouldn't.

Two Days Later: Monday:

Maya and Lucas did their science experiment in front of the class this morning - and Mr. Kenneth gave them an A+!

"I think this might be my first A+ ever!" Maya said at the end of the day, while they were leaving school.

"Well, it certainly won't be the last," Riley smiled.

"Eh, it might be," Maya shrugged.

"You gotta give yourself more credit, Maya," Farkle said.

"Yeah, you're smart," Lucas said. "Very smart."

"Yeah," Zay agreed.

"Shh, no one needs to know," she whispered. They all laughed and left the school.

Hey guys! Sorry about the chapter i know it wasn't the best and it's a little short but it's mostly just a filler.

Can you guys please go comment on my last authors note and give me some advice? I really need it. I know I ask you guys a lot but that's just because I have no one in real life I'm comfortable talking to. So if you guys could please do that i'd really, really appreciate it.

Only 7 chapter left!!! 😁 kinda sad but also kinda exciting lol

Anyway, I'd like at least 2-5 votes and 2-5 comments please 😊

BYEEE unicorns!! 🦄


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