Chapter 36

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Cami's POV:

By the end of the next week, I was exhausted but happy. The endless tests had taken their toll on me, but now we finally had a good week off, in which I could basically do what I wanted. Read: spend time with Calum. Well, not exactly. I spent the first Saturday at Luke's place, to see his family again. We had a blast continuing our Supernatural marathon, and he told me about how Lilah and him were doing great relationshipwise. That seemed to be the case of everyone. Louisa was constantly at my place, Ashton and Rebecca were living the dream and Jennifer and Ethan were as flawless as always. As for me, the more time I spent with Calum, the more I forgot about the whole Plan thing. We were always goofing around, singing and dancing crazily to punky music, having intense videogame matches, cuddling as we watched each other's favorite movies, lazily making out for was great.

On Monday afternoon, we were slouching in my bedroom, checking our social media as soft music played in the background. I was scrolling through my Tumblr feed when he started giggling and making cooing noises. I looked at him questioningly and he showed me a vine Mike had sent him of a small pug licking all over someone's face. Admittedly, it was cute, but Cal's look of utter adoration seemed a bit exaggerated to me.

"You really like dogs, huh?"

"They're the greatest things to have ever walked the earth," he said solemnly, then added with a half-smirk. "After me, of course."

"Of course."

He ignored my sass and looked back down at his phone, his grin widening at the sight of the dog. Considering how much he loved them, it was really too bad his mother was allergic. The hugest smile broke out on my face as something struck me.

"Hey, I have an idea!"

"Oh my god!" Cal yelled. "Pop the champagne!"

"Oh, shut up," I rolled my eyes, though unable to smother down my excited expression.

Cal pulled me in for a hug as he silently chuckled at his own joke. Pouting, I bit his side over the fabric of his tee-shirt. He let out a silent exclamation and pushed me away.

"You kinky little shit."

"Keep saying stuff like that and you'll never know what my idea was."

"Sorry babe. What were you saying?"

"So, you know how you can't have a dog and all? Well no-one is allergic in my family. So we could just buy the dog you want and it would lowkey be yours even though it lives at my place!"

Cal's mouth fell open.

"Oh my god. Oh my god you are perfect."

I felt my cheeks heat up and quickly went on.

"Right, so what breed do you want?"

His eyes lit up like a little kid's on Christmas.

"I don't know! Can we check them all, pretty please?"

We somehow found a book about dog breeds in my parents' library (probably something I'd had when I was little) and spent the next half-hour just listing the good and bad points of the dogs. Cal, of course, insisted that they were all perfect.

"What about a Newfoundland?" He asked.

"My aunt has one," I mused, thinking of the bear-like fluffy thing she called a dog.

"So? Isn't it the cutest piece of shit ever?"

"But it's so big," I frowned. "I don't have enough space for that."

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