I Want It

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"No-I'm not just letting you leave her here." Stiles and I try to break out of Peter's grip, but its too strong. Peter chuckles and continues to drag us away from Lydia.
"You don't have a choice, You both are coming with me."

"Just kill me. Look, I don't care anymore." Peter stops us and lifts Stiles' head up with his claws. "Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get." Stiles pulls out his phone and walks over to ring Jackson.

After Stiles had told Jackson where Lydia was, Peter dragged us to Stiles' jeep.

"Get in." Peter pushes me into the back and drags Stiles' over to the drivers seat. Peter gets in the passengers seat, I watch the school get distant as Stiles drives away.

"Don't feel bad. If she lives, she'll become as werewolf. She'll be incredibly powerful." Stiles rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and once a month, she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to tear us apart." I looked out the window and sighed. I felt so useless right now. Even though I wasn't friends with Lydia, I felt a strange pang in my heart, like I needed to protect her.

Peter smirks, "Well, actually considering that she's a woman-twice a month." I glare at him, but all he does it smirk. Peter has us pull into a huge parking garage. "Whose car is this?"

Peter grabs a key ring, full of keys out of his pocket. "It belonged to my nurse." "What happened to your n-Oh,my God!" Peter opened the truck to revel a dead woman. His nurse to be exact. Peter grabs a duffel bag out of her hands and gives it to Stiles, who is still in shock to what he is seeing.

Peter closes the truck and shrugs. "I got better."

Peter starts to go through his bag. "Good luck getting a signal down here." He hands Stiles a MiFi box. "Oh, MiFi". Peter pulls out Scott's Macbook. "And you're a Mac guy. Does that go for all werewolves, or just a person preference?" Peter glares at Stiles. "Turn it on. Get connected."

Stiles sighs and shifts, so he's in front of the computer. "You know, you're really killing the whole werewolf mystique thing here." He turns on the computer and it brings up the password screen. "Look you still need Scott's username and password, and I'm sorry but I don't know them."

Truth is, Scott only told me his passwords, just in case he was at work and needed something. I don't think he told Stiles, even if Stiles was his best friend. "You know both of them." Stiles shakes his head. "No, I don't"

I could feel my heartbeat rising in my chest, I tried to control it but it was too late. "Aubrey, you're heart is beating very fast. Do you know something." I shake my head and Peter smirks.

He grabs my hair and slams my head into the hood of the car. "I can be very persuasive, Aubrey. Don't make me persuade you." He lets go of my hair and I lift my head, wincing in pain. Again why I felt useless.

"What happens after you find Derek?" I asked Peter. "Don't talk Aubrey, type."

"You're gonna kill people, aren't you?" "Only the responsible ones." I turn towards him. "Look, if I do this, you have to promise to leave Scott out of it." Peter sighs.

"Do you know why wolves hunt in packs? It's because their favorite prey are too large to be brought down by one wolf alone. I need Derek and Scott. I need both of them." I shake my head. "He's not gonna help you."

He smirks, "Oh he will. Because it'll save Allison. And you will because it will save Scott. Your brother and best friend whom you know so well, you even have his username and password."

I sigh, knowing the only thing I can do is give him what he wants. I type Allison into the username slot. "His username is Allison?" I don't answer and type in the password. "His password is also Allison?" I log on and shrug. "Still want him in your pack?" Peter slowly turns his head away from the computer, probably muttering to himself.

Stiles takes over and starts to track the phone. I couldn't help but worry about the future. What if Scott did join Peter. He would be a killing machine. I didn't want to lose my brother.

"Wait, what the- That's where they're keeping him? At his own house?" I walk over to the computer to see indeed, the marker was pinpointed at Derek's house.

"Not at it. Under it. I know exactly where that is." All of a sudden, a faint roar echos throughout the parking lot. "And I'm not the only one."

Peter loads everything into the car, before facing Stiles and I. "Give me your keys." Stiles sighs before handing his keys to Peter. "Careful. She grinds in second." Peter squeezes the keys in his hands and give them back to Stiles, bent and unusable.

He walks to the drivers door. "So you're not gonna kill us?" He stops and turns back around. "Oh God." He comes over so he's right in front of us. "Don't you understand yet? I'm not the bad guy here."

I scoff. "You turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs, and you're not the bad guy here?"

Peter smirks before coming so close that we are face to face. "I like you. Both of you. Since you've help me, I'm going to give you something in return. Do you want the bite."

My eyes widened. "What?" Peter rolls his eyes."Do you want the bite? If it doesn't kill you- and it could- you'll become like us." "Like you."

"Yes, a werewolf. Would you like me to draw you a picture? That first night in the woods, I took Scott because I needed a new pack. It could've easily been one of you. You'd be every bit as powerful as him. No more standing by his side, watching him become stronger, and quicker, more popular, no more being just Scotts sister or his best friend. You'd be equals. Maybe more. Yes or no?"

I could feel Peter lifting my arm, but I was lost in my thoughts. This was my chance. My chance to not be weak and helpless. I could finally be equal. I could finally be able to help everyone I loved. I knew it would come with a cost, but I wanted to be like Scott. To be able to protect. I wanted this so bad.

But I knew I couldn't

I couldn't let Peter give me the bite. I couldn't be part of his pack. If it were anyone else, I would've let him done it, but its Peter. I couldn't do that to Scott, knowing what Peter has done to him. Scott would never forgive me. I would never forgive myself.

Just as Peter was about to bite me, I lurched my arm away and shook my head. "I don't want to be like you." I could see Stiles nodding.

"Do you know what I hear just then? Your heart beating slightly faster over the words "I don't want". You may believe that you're telling me the truth, but you are lying to yourself. Goodbye Aubrey." Peter walks to the car and gets into the drivers seat. He quickly speeds out of the parking lot.

Stiles comes over and puts his arms around my shoulders, pulling me against him. "You did the right thing." I nodded. "I hope so." He grabs my hand and we start walking. "Come on, lets go check on Lydia."

We ran all the way to the hospital to be greeted by Stiles' dad. "You know what? It's good that we're in a hospital, because I'm gonna kill you."

Stiles gulps. "I'm-i'm sorry. I lost the keys to my jeep. We had to run all the way here."

"I don't care Stiles." Sheriff looked furious, Stiles told his dad he was going with Lydia, maybe he thinks it's his fault.

I looked behind the sheriff to see Lydia, all bandaged and bruised. Poor Lydia, I wish it had happened to me and not her. "Is she gonna be okay?" I heard Stiles ask from behind me.

"They don't know, partially because they don't know what happened. She lost a lot of blood, but there's something else going on with her." I turned around. "What do you mean?"

"The doctors say it's like she's having an allergic reaction. Her body keeps going into shock. Did you two see anything? I mean, do you have any idea who or what attacked her?" I didn't want to lie to Stilinski but I couldn't exactly tell him what happened. I shook my head. "No, I have no idea."

"What about Scott?" Speaking of Scott, I wonder if he knows what happened. "What do you mean? What about him?"

"Did he see anything?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around, I'm surprised Scott's not here. "What do you- is he not here?" Stiles looked around.

Stilinski furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you talking about? I've been calling him on his cell phone. I've gotten no response." Stiles sighed. "Yeah, you're not gonna get one." He mumbled.

Stiles had gone off with his dad, while I sat in the waiting room alone. Jackson was near the window, staring at Lydia. I couldn't help but think if I had made the right decision. Should I have taken the bite? Should I have helped Peter?

Stiles came speed walking out of the hallway and grabbed my arm. He told me it was Kate who started the Hale fire and that we had to find Scott. "Hey, where are you going?" I turned around to see Jackson following us.

"To find Scott." "You don't have a car." Stiles rolled his eyes. "I'm aware of that. Thank you." "Here, I'll drive, come on-" Jackson grabbed Stiles' shoulder, Stiles threw his hand off and stopped.

"Look, just because you feel guilty all of a sudden doesn't make it okay, all right? Half of this is still your fault." Jackson squinted his eyes. "Look, I have a car. You don't. Do you want my help or not?"

Stiles turned to me and I nodded. Jackson was the only chance to get to Scott. "All right. Did you bring the Porsche?" Jackson nodded. "Yeah." Jackson pulled the keys out of his pocket. "Good." Stiles grabbed them. "I'll drive." Just as we were about to leave, Chris and some really buff men stop us.

"Boys, and Aubrey. I was wondering if you can tell me where Scott McCall is." I shake my head. "Uh nope, I haven't seen him since before the dance, Stiles." Chris turned his attention to Stiles. "Scott McCall? Uhm, haven't seen him since the dance. Jackson, you?"

Jackson's face had nervous written all over it. "I-I-I" He mumbled. "Oh for the love of god." Stiles murmured. The body guards grabbed a hold of us and threw us onto some mattresses in another room. I heard the lock of the door click. "Let's try this again. Where is Scott McCall?"

No of us dared to answer. Chris grabbed Stiles and threw him up against the cabinet, grabbing fistfulls of his shirt, pinning him to it. There's that pang in my heart again.

"Let me ask you a question Stiles. Have you ever seen a rabid dog?"

"No. I could put it on my to-do list if you just let me go." Stiles sighed.

Chris ignored him. "Well, I have. And the only thing I've ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. Do you want to know what happened?"

Stiles shook his head. "Not really. No offense to your storytelling skills.

"He tried to kill me, and I was forced to put a bullet in his head. The whole while he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing to do with his last breath. Can you imagine that?"

Stiles shook his head again. "No, and it sounds like you need to be a little bit more select-" Chris cut him off.

"Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon? Did you have to lock him up?"

"Yeah, I did. I had to handcuff him to a radiator. Why? Would you prefer I locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?" Chris chuckled. "I hate to dispel a popular rumor Stiles, but we never did that."

"Oh, right. Derek said you guys had a code. I guess no one ever breaks it."

Chris nodded. "Never." Stiles scoffed. "What if someone does?"

"Someone like who?" "Your sister."

Stiles explained everything to Chris and he finally realized that it was Kate who caused the Hale fire. He had let us go and was headed to the Hale house. Jackson, Stiles, and I had all piled into Jackson's car and we now headed to Dereks house.

We stopped at the school and made the bomb from the night we were locked in. We were going to through it at Peter if things got out of control. We knew we could die here, but at this point I didn't care. If it meant saving everyone, it was worth it.

"Hey, hey, hey. This isn't exactly an all-terrain vehicle." Stiles sped up the dirt road. "Yeah. Did you pay for it?" "No." "Then shut up." Stiles' eyes never left the road.

The Hale house came into view, so did Scott, Allison, and Peter in his alpha form. We quickly got out of the car and Stiles honked the horn. Everyone turned towards us, this was the que. I lifted my arm back and huffed the bomb at Peter. He caught it and faced me. "Oh, damn."

"Allison!" Scott kicked a bow towards her and she caught it." She loaded her bow up and shot. It hit the bomb and it exploded into flames, lighting Peter on fire.

As Peter was trying to fight the flames, Jackson threw the backup bomb at him, causing Peter to erupt into more flames. Peter roared and started walking towards Allison. "No!" Scott ran over and kicked him straight in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards.

The fire slowly started dying out and Peter fell to the ground, transforming back to his human form. Burns covered every inch of his body.

Scott was crouched on the ground when Allison came over to him. Scott bowed his head in shame, only to have Allison raise it with her hand. She examined Scott in his werewolf form. As Allison brought her face closer to Scott, he transformed back to human, just as Allison kissed him.

I smiled, he finally had gotten his girlfriend back. Stiles tapped my shoulder and I turned around. He grabbed my face and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened but then I closed them, kissing him back. I didn't care if Scott was watching, I was happy. We pulled away and Stiles was smiling."Why'd you do that?" "Because I want you to be my girlfriend Aubrey." I smiled and nodded. "Okay." I could feel Scotts eyes watching us and I knew we would be getting an earful later.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Derek walk towards Peter. He had his claws out. "Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek. If you do this, I'm dead. Her father, her family- what am I suppose to do?" Derek looked down at Peter and closed his eyes.

"You've- already-decided. I can smell it on you!" Those were Peters last words before Derek raised his hand and clawed Peter's throat.

Peter took his last breathe, before his eyes closed. Everyone was silent. Derek slowly stood up and faced us, only his eyes weren't blue, they were red. "I'm the Alpha now." His voice was deeper.

"Lets just hurry up, I want to go home." Jackson and I opened the door and walked in the creepy house. I told the boys I had went home, but in reality I was with Jackson, at the Hale house. Jackson wanted to be a werewolf and he didn't want to face Derek alone.

"Derek. Derek!" Jackson called out as Derek appeared at the top of the staircase. "I helped you. I helped save you. Okay, you got what you wanted. Now it's my turn to get what I want." Derek walked down the stairs and grabbed Jackson's arm. He looked at Jackson one last time before sinking his teeth into his arm.

"I'll be there in a second." Jackson nodded and walked out of the house, gripping his arm.

Derek started to walk back upstairs but I stopped him. "Derek wait." He turned to face me.

"Derek, I want the bite."

This story is going by so quickly, I can't believe I finished season 1. Now things are going to start getting interesting. Will Derek give Aubrey the bite? Let me know what you think. Don't be a silent reader! :) 

Aubrey //S.S.// ➸ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now