Newly Acquired Senses

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"Derek, throwing me against the wall repetitively isn't helping." I groaned and stood up once again. Derek and I were at his new home/hideout due to the fact cops and hunters were all over his. It was an abandoned train station located on the outskirts of town. 

"We're trying to trigger you're anger Aubrey, remember." I nodded and put my hands up.

It had been a whole week since Derek had given me the bite, and I wasn't feeling any different, despite the super speed and enhanced hearing. It felt so much better knowing I was able to defend myself and not be helpless anymore.

Derek had told me not to tell anyone and I completely agreed. I knew Scott would be furious with me if he found out, he didn't need any more things on his mind. As for Stiles, we had been together for only a week, I didn't want to jeopardize our relationship, as everything was going so well, especially after what almost happened this morning. 

Jackson was the only person who knew what had happened. He had been bitten as well and wasn't feeling any different. The only thing different was that he didn't have any knew senses like me. He wasn't dying though. Plus he was completely healed. Derek and I couldn't wrap our heads around it.

Lydia had been getting better, she'd been almost completely healed. She planned to attend school this week with us, which was an immense relief in Allison's case. Scott and Allison were secretly seeing each other, despite her dad holding a gun to his head.

Meanwhile, Stiles and I were great. Scott gave us an earful when we got home that night. In the end, he threatened Stiles with his claws. I've never seen Stiles so afraid in the whole time I've known him. Thank god he didn't catch us this morning.

Every day after school for the past week, I would be at Derek's, training to fight. I told Scott and Stiles I had gotten a job at the supermarket, which surprisingly, they believed me. Right now, Derek and I were trying to trigger the change. The full moon was coming up and I had to prepare for it. So far, it wasn't going as we had hoped.

I ran full speed towards Derek, only to have him easily block and throw me back into the wall. "Maybe we should try a new tactic." I nodded and sat up against the now crumbled wall. My body was aching due to the multiple hits against the hard concrete walls. 

"Think about Peter and Scott that night." I closed my eyes and imagined the fight. "Think about how weak and helpless you were. Watching Scott get hurt and not being able to do anything." I could feel my heartbeat starting to accelerate as I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Think about Stiles and Lydia. When he left you at homecoming for her." My fingers started twitching. I could hear Derek's footsteps getting closer. "Get Angry." His words echoed through my ears as I felt this intense heat throughout my body.

Flashing my eyes open, I glared at Derek, running towards him at full speed. Grabbing the collar of his shirt, I threw him across the station, his body making contact with the wall. A growl emerged in my throat as I slowly stood up, placing my now clawed hands by my side.

Derek stood up and faced me. His eyes went wide before his face returned its normal grumpiness. I wanted to kill him. The rush throughout my veins made me feel stronger, more powerful than ever. I wasn't weak little Aubrey McCall anymore.

"Aubrey, I know I told you to get angry but I need you to calm down, somethings wrong." He held his hands out in front of him as I narrowed my eyes. "Aubrey, we need to learn how to control this." First he tells me to get angry, now he wants me to calm down. This made me even more angry. "Think about an anchor. Someone who can bring you back."

I took a deep breathe, forcing my body not to lunge at Derek. I tried thinking about Scott. The only thing that came to mind was the time when he was fighting with Peter and I was weak and helpless. "Aubrey, Focus." I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to dig deeper for someone else who made me happy. Then it hit me. Stiles. I thought about last night.

Aubrey //S.S.// ➸ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now