The next morning Dahee wakes up early to plan and take stroll around the campus familiarizing herself with the place. Once she walks out of the shower, she dries her medium length hair falling half way down her back. Tying her hair in a sleek ponytail she was ready to conquer the day. Lucky Mrs Lee also gave a map of the school but it was fairly confusing finding which way was which.

'I wonder how long it's been since they updated the map.' She thinks to herself rotating the piece of paper in several directions.

"Dance class where is it!? I could ask someone.. But I'm pretty sure only I was awake at this time finding my way around.. Argh!" Dahee scrunches up the piece of paper in frustration but unfolding it straight after. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO CONFUSING!?" Shouting at the crumpled map.

"Haha er do you need help?" A sweet voice behind her asked, turning around to see a fairly tall guy with a hat and a black mask covering his mouth. Only his eyes showing.

Immediately Dahee's face turns pink in embarrassment, "Is It okay to help me find dance studios, I'm new" smiling shyly.

"And you think I can't tell? Give me your schedule" he laughs, looking at the piece of paper than to me "what luck your in the same class as me, follow me" he begins walking away.

Looking around the school while in awe but still making sure the guy is in front because she'll get lost again.

"I'm Dahee by the way" introducing herself as she follows his lead. The guy had big broad shoulders but obviously didn't realise it until she started walking behind him unable to see beyond him.

"I'm Yugyeom" he replies, "here we are" opening the door revealing a beautiful dance studio much better than the ones in Thailand and America, nothing like Korea I guess.

"Dahee?" He asks "Why are you up so early?" You could see his eyebrows move from under his hat as he asked with curiosity in his voice.

Dahee stopped admiring the studio to talk to Yugyeom "I thought it would be better because I could find myself around the school but I got lost and that's why you found me, how about you? I was surprised to see someone up as early as me" smiling at him.

"I wanted to do some extra dancing before the class actually started which we have around 1 hour and 30 minutes left of" we both chuckled

"I'm sorry if I'm taking time away from your practise why don't you dance? I won't really do anything I'll just sit in the corner and wait for class to start" he nodded and started dancing as Dahee grabbed a pencil and sketchbook from her backpack and started sketching. The music started playing and she looks up at Yugyeom immersed In his dancing. He looked so interesting, this was the perfect chance to capture him in drawing.

The class is finally nearing starting as student came in one by one until it was full. The girls started squealing and screaming calling the guys dressed like Yugyeom "Oppa"

"Okay girls this isn't a place to confess your love. Instead it's a place of dance, it can either be hell or heaven depending. I am your dance teacher Mr Kang" he takes the register making sure everyone is here until he reaches a certain name.

"Bambam" I must've misheard..

"Aish he is properly late this time and is annoying me first thing" he furrowed his brows, "Jang Dahee" he says recovering, lowering his stress level.

"Yes sir" I replied to the register

"I see we have a newbie, I can't wait to see what you can show us" he says to dahee as the looks of her fellow classmates came upon her, "Okay stop staring at her. Today we are going to do some paired work and the end of the lesson we can do some dance off" everyone rejoices smiling.

'They must like doing dance off just as much as me'

Mr Kang managed to get everyone into pairs aside from me, while everyone started working I stand awkwardly until Yugyeom walks up to me "are you okay?" He asks

"Yeah, you should go back to your part--" I got cut off by the teacher yelling.

"Bambam your late! Your annoying me and it's the first thing in the morning! we're doing paired work and your partner has been waiting 15 minutes for you !!" I turned around along with everyone to see a guy wearing a mask,

'What's up with all the people and masks?'

"Looks like your partner is here" he says before I even opened my mouth.

Mr Kang talks to the boy "she's new and your punishment will be to show her around and you will be her buddy"

"Hyunggggg!" The boy whined

"Don't call me hyung! It's teacher when I'm here" he told the guy.

"Sorry for making you wait" the voice says as I turn around and smiled

"it's fine it's only 15 minutes. I'm Jang Dahee" I held out my hand, nice to meet you" his face suddenly shot up and looked straight at me.

"Jang Dahee?" He repeats my name

"Yes?" I wondered why he did that. But it all made sense when ge removes his mask.

"Don't you remember me?"

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