September 1 2012

I met him.

I close the book and took another deep breath. Since they are using the singing studio I could use the dance studio, it would help me release my stress. I went in and played music loosing myself during the end I fell my legs started hurting. Out of no where Bambam barges into the room to help me holding my leg as I bit my tongue making sure not to scream. I looked at the mirror to see a reflection of my self,he massaged my legs until it didn't hurt anymore or the pain is bare able.

"Why are you dancing in a condition like this!?"

"What are you talking about I've been like this for a while, I won't give up because dance Is something I love dearly and it was always their, music was always their .."


"Why don't you just go back to your class" i answer coldly

He nods and headed out once I made sure he was gone I looked at myself

"Music was their when you weren't it was their when I felt like dying, music saved me" I lifted my shirt slightly revealing a scar, this scar isn't as big or deep as the one you left in my heart, this is nothing.

The bell rings as the corridors became busy I walk to the singing studio but as I was about to open the door,I hear a soulful voice one that can't be taught. As I leaned on the door i fell inside.

"Sorry to intrude but I have class here" awkwardly laughing while still in awe

"Don't worry I was just practicing" he replies

'If that was practice I wonder what he's like when he steps on stage' "You're really good at singing" I compliment him

"Thanks I'm Youngjae" as I was about to reply "and your Dahee I know"

How does he know my name ?

"Yeah" I smiled

As the pupils started going in a woman with jet black hair who looked no younger than thirty came in.

"Class settle down and be quite, I am lee hyori, I will be your singing teacher" she introduced herself "today is going to be special since we have a special guest" she looked at the door and came in the weird guy from earlier.

"Omg park Jin young!" The girls behind me said in excitement

"Hello I'm the CEO of JYP park jinyoung"

"Today's theme will be based purely on love good and bad, but I believe that Park Jinyoung ssi prepared something" mrs lee hyori explained

"Yes I'm not only to see what you guys have I'm also here to scout" he says looking at the crowd. He then see's me in the crowd, "you" he pointed "can I speak to you in private later on" I nodded but It seemed to cause the students to stare at me

"And you will all prepare a song which we will use at the ball next week"

After the lesson me and other students followed this CEO of JYP but to me he seemed crazy.

"I selected you all because of your voice and if you let me train you I could make you into a star" he tells us all. Everyone nods In excitement but me.

"If that's all you have to say can I leave?"

Everyone then looks at me in surprise "Dahee do you not know who this is? JYP park jinyoung the singer the CEO of jyp!"

"Nope sorry may I be excused?" I ask

"Sure" he says. I turn around and take my leave as I feel the glares, I just ignored the feeling of being small being scared.

As I was walking to my locker a girl grabs me by the collar and pulls me away from my locker while bashing me back,letting the lock hit my back which had my scar on. I fall to the floor

"How dare you try and hit on our bammie we heard yesterday that in dance he called you honey when that's my name!"

She slaps me of the right cheek

"If he wasn't enough you were flirting with yugyeommie in the cafeteria" grabbing my hair making me face her with what I can feel blood pouring from my mouth but I remained a solid poker face.

"Rachel, Yoo Rachel. remember my name"

throwing my head to the ground as she walked away. I stood up.

"Wouldn't bitch be better?" Laughing as she turned around shooting lasers

"What the hell did you just say" she glared walking back to me

"Bitch" I smirk


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