I pace nervously around my room thinking whether or I should've ran to JYP and tried to stop Rachel from her evil plans. Suddenly my phones rang with Dahee's special ring tone, "oh shit!" I shouted picking up the phone, 'calm jungkook, just calm down'
"Dahee~ you finally called me up, you haven't been ringing me in ages~" I hide my nervousness behind a laugh but man did it sound awkward as fuck, now she'll know that I knew this was going to happen, I hear Dahee sniffling from the other side. "Dahee, what's wrong?" I ask her knowing exactly the reason why, "Dahee are you okay?" she didnt speak but sniffled for a while. I don't know what was worse to listen to, her sniffle or the moment she spoke saying
"I need you" her voice was weak probably like her at this moment crying because of me and my stupid self wanting her to be mine that I decided to hurt her instead of letting her be happy.
"what kind of friend are you jungkook!" My conscience says but I replied "no.. what kind of human are you?" I sigh grabbing my coat and running to where she was.


I watch the cherry blossoms falling petal by petal to the floor. So beautiful when she falls, everyone admires her. Why can't I be that cherry blossom? Instead I feel judged falling down and crying, crying to the point tears won't even fall out of my eyes anymore therefore forcing me to just stare at this beautiful blossom fall. I reach out my hand wanting to hold the petal and stop it from falling but it was too late. It slipped through my fingers. 
"Jinah" I follow the voice that leads me to Jungkook, he smiled and immediately I run to his arms hugging him tightly. His warm embrace covers me making me feel safe and protected from the pain.


I feel her grip closer to me.
"Thank you jungkook" she says with her weak voice muffled into my chest, "thank you" she repeats making my heart break even more than it was before.
"You shouldn't thank me Jinah, I'm sorry" I give her a some-what reassuring hug,
"I'm sorry for doing this too you, you don't deserve this one bit. I'm sorry that you're hurting, this is my fault. My stupid fault" I say in my head my mouth wouldn't speak. If I said anything it would just push her away. Who knows what would happen if I leave her alone, she could become like a butterfly that's here one moment and gone the next.
"I'm sorry" I repeat letting a silent tear fall from my eye,"I'll protect you from now on"

A/N I'm sorry it's short and I haven't been updating but I'm sticking to this 'once-a-month-the-very-least to update this fic. I'm simultaneously writing the fic for Yoongi and another with 18+ 😏 and keeping up with college. Honestly, I don't know why I just feel like a hollow, empty and lonely shell rn so I poured my emotions into Jungkook's part.

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