"Can you believe it? only 24 hours til we debut only 1 night sleep til the world will see VENUS!" bora unnie squeals.

"well I'm going to bed first so I see the stage quicker" i tell them untying my hair and brushing it. I yawn crawling into my bottom bunk bed.

"of course because you cant wait to see Jungkook again " they tease me making high pitch noises

"Unnie! it's not like that were just friends" i defend myself, "and plus he's busy on tour"

"yeah they kiss on the cheek cause their 'friends' " Eunae unnie teases me

"I'm going bed goodnight!" I cover my face with the duvet not being able to control my face anymore. I smile thinking about the kiss


The next morning I was the first to wake up early and showered before he other members woke up and we go to cube for a final rehearsal.

"In a few hours you will be on TV, on stage along with your sunbaenims, if at one point you mess up keep going and have fun! hwaiting!" Mr Kang comes in to give us words of encouragement to boost our confidence and to lessen the nervousness and anticipation in the air.

once we arrived at inkigayo  the manager showed us to out dressing room which had the stylist waiting. Since we go in age order and I being maknae I was the last one to get ready.


walking to our dressing room in inkigayo, we walk past what seems like girls giggling.

"Venus? must be a rookie" jackson hyung reading the sign on the door as we walk past

"ya what are you doing hurry up!" JB hyung says.

Once we were ready we check the schedule for our line up on stage. It was straight after the new group Venus preforms.

"Hey hyung we're after the rookie group what do you think their like? cute? hiphop ? or sexy?" I joke with jackson nudging him as I chuckle.

"Oh bambam~ i hope sexy" he starts dancing to something by girls day and laughing getting embarrassed

"ya you guys are going to start hitting on those girls aren't you?" Jr says while getting his hair done but barely hearing him through the hair dryer.

Finally in my purple skin tight skirt with a crop too along with heels while the other members had similar variations of a purple dress.

"I don't think I can pull this concept off.." minah says pouting looking at the floor

"yeah you're too cute unlike me I can be cute and sexy" misa says showing her sexy look teasing minah

we stayed in the dressing room watching the others preform.

"wait unnie.. We don't have an mv but we're preforming ??" I ask bora unnie

"no, no we do have an mv, look" she shows me her phone

'cube entertainment just uploaded a video'

"I see myself in the video" i look at my unnies for a brief moment before looking back. All of our dance practice videos together. it's a memory of our trainee days and our new music video and it matches with our song called 'aphrodite' the goddess of love, it shows the 5 of us growing and changing into a 'beautiful ladies' as the members would describe. I always wondered why bora unnie always carried a video camera.

I wanted to cry seeing how much we've grown together in a short amount of time and space.

"Venus you're going on stage next"

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