The next morning our group took advantage to film for our song. It was picked by the group that me and bammie would play the leading roles.
"Good morning my sunshine" Bambam naturally places his arm around my shoulders. In his hand he carries a thermos, "I made soup so you wont get cold" I turn to face towards him as we walk through the forest.
"Thank you bammie" placing a peck on his cheek, "but the real question, is it edible?" laughing out loud as he pouts trying to act cute.


Opening wide the curtains to see the sun yet to rise. I get ready to brace the cold wind wearing a thick jacket and a beanie where I tuck my hands in. Whilst rustling my leaves through the autumn leaves making my way to the clinic, I see Dahee walking with her thick scarf. My smile widens seeing her, just as I was making my way towards her, Bambam swoops her. He places his arm around her shoulder and gives her a thermos. Immediately she smiles giving him a peck on the cheek. All that's running through my head is 'what is happening !?' Just a few days ago she was crying over that jerk and now, now shes giving him kisses and hugs!? I should've punched him harder but it seemed to only help him. Ouch. My heart clenched seeing how happy she is with that guy. No wonder she disappeared yesterday. Eventually everyone in my group woke up and we began shooting for our music video, no matter where we were going, somehow she is always their and they are always together. I grit my teeth as my anger only seems to do nothing but rise the more i see that smug expression all over his face.
"they look good together don't they?" Rachel comes behind my back shooting lasers towards Dahee
"hell no, you think they do? I'm surprised your not over their puling Dahee's hair" i speak through my teeth with my hands clenched in a fist
"easy boy, you see I've got a plan on how we can both claim our beautiful prizes, you seduce and shake up Dahee until you know you've got your hold on her then don't let go of her whilst i go in and lure Bambam. " she smirks imagining the plan in action with Bambam begging for her
"and you expect me to follow and help you" i raise an eyebrow at her
"well you do want her as much as i want Bambam don't you? you want to feel her soft pecks and kisses right? then seduce her, shake her up and she'll be yours. " like a snake whispering in my ears, tempting me to do evil.
"ahhh!" Dahee screams as Bambam picks her up by the waist spinning her around in a circle, finally they stop and their face to face with each other only a few centimeters apart. His hands move to outline her lips, they look at each other once again before he leans in for a kiss. what hurts more than seeing this scene unfold in front of me is the fact that i seem oblivious to her.
"well" Rachel holds out her hand in front of me, "do we have a deal or not?" she smirks as i grit by teeth holding out my hand to shake with hers.
"deal, but make sure you don't lay a single finger on her" i walk away leaving her and cooling myself down by the lake i visited yesterday with her. I sit down on the stone that seems so much bigger than before. Reaching down on the shallow end of the river where its filled with small pebbles, I begin to skip the stones on the surface of the still water.
"ARGH!" i scream in frustration but no one seems to hear, again I'm alone.

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