"Ya jungkook why don't you go and feed dahee you two seem awkward" jimin hyung tries to advice me while his arm was around Eunae Noona.

"she even sighed before going to answer her phone" Eunae says

"she did!?" they both nod in reply "she isn't getting tired right?" My heart starts to panic.

What if she doesn't love me?

"of course not you guys are still awkward!" Eunae noona tells me with a bright smile across her face, "you've only started dating"

Suddenly we hear a loud noise going in the direction of Dahee. Immediately i rush over to find her on her knees with an expression like she's seen a ghost.


"dahee what happened !?" jungkook asks me as I sit there quietly letting a tear fall down my cheek. He helps me up "dahee.. what wrong?" I hug him tightly

"oppa.. Oppa..He .." i start crying quietly "he's in critical condition.. jungkook im sorry but I think I need to go.."

I break the hug and ran off. However with just my luck it started to rain. I left my hat in the restaurant so the only thing I can use for shelter is my hands. A taxi drops me off the one place to see my mother, the cemetery.

"jang hwayoung" touching the head stone "umma.. Oppa.. He .. got into a accident .. umma don't take oppa away please .. he's all I have umma.. please" crying on the grave as the the tears are camouflaged in the rain.

Suddenly the rain stopped falling on my head. I look up to find bambam holding an umbrella.

This damn rain.

"bambam..." Quickly I wiped my tears  "bambam what are you doing here?"I ask with slight anger in my voice

"got7 are filiming something nearby and I saw you go past and decided to follow you since you look troubled" he tried to give me a reassuring smile

"i dont need your help" I step out of his protective shelter

"Dahee I swear to God it wasn't my fault, it was Jungkooks and Rachel's! Please! Please forgive me! You know I'd never lie to you!" He shouts his useless excuses.

I let out a meaning less sigh, "do you even hear yourself!?" I shake my head, "Jungkook? He would never do that to me because he's not you. Rachel? Maybe. That bitch is crazy and if it is them maybe we're better this way Bambam"

"No Dahee! We're not! We both know that!"

"I can never forgive you Bambam. How can I!?" I shout hitting his chest as he remained silence.
"The fact I have a scar to remind me about you every single damn time I look at myself in the mirror thinking about how stupid I was to fall for you, just like that scar, you're disgusting." Angry tears continue to stream down my cheeks

Nothing but the sound of the rain hitting against the umbrella is heard. I walk away trying to find a taxi, I see the rest of the got7 member waving at me as I smile. Suddenly someone grabs my arm I look to see Bambam with his hair dripping wet from the rain.

Without warning he places his soft lips on me as I feel his desperation. I push him away and slapped his face as hard as I could.

Out of nowhere, Jungkook punches Bambam

"Don't you fucking touch her again!" He shouts. A side of Jungkook Dahee had never seen.


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