In the early morning before the sun barely rose Jungkook was already up in his dorm room which he shared with his hyungs. Once more he thinks about Dahee, that's all he seemed to do after facing reality. Quietly he catches a glimpse of his pitiful self in the mirror, "look at you Jungkook, you're not a weakling are you? One flick and that Bambam and his skinny self will go flying so why are you beating yourself up?" He speaks to himself grabbing his hoodie and lacing up his shoes to go for an early morning run.
Finally slowing down after clearing his thoughts about Dahee he rests on the side of Han River listening to his music currently playing Fools by Troye Sivan which seems to relate so much to his current situation. He catches his breathe slowing down to feel the rhythm of his heart move along to the beat of the song.
"Only fools fall" he repeats the last line once again remembering that moment on the rock.


Whilst walking to class Jungkook runs past me. I raised an eyebrow looking at the direction he was running to, of course it was her. That bitch. However he stops in his tracks and I watched as his heartbreaks in front of me as Bambam greets her with a kiss. I smirk seeing how broken Jungkook is inside. He turns around and drags his feet behind him and to the dance studio. I follow silently watching him practice so hard until he fell. I snigger at Jungkook staring at his now pitiful self.
"Aigoo~ what do we have here? A loser who doesn't know how to pick himself up?" I open the door as his head turns immediately to me
"What do you want?" His eyes and words became sharp
"Chill Jungkook, I was just wondering how is that plan of you separating Bambam and Dahee going? Because from earlier it seemed to be failing" I check my hair and makeup in the mirror
"Shut up Rachel"
"Oh come on now Jungkook! Stop acting so weak! I thought you were stronger really, I mean you may work out your body but your heart is still as soft as ever" he grits his teeth
"Fuck off Rachel, what about your plan? You seem to be doing nothing" he wipes the sweat dripping down to his cheeks
"Calm down, you should be kind to me because I'm helping you. What I'm about to do will benefit us both" I smirk thinking of Dahee crying and broken.
"Why? What are you going to do?"
"I'm gonna break her heart and since my partner in crime aka you can't do anything I guess I'll have to do everything and once she's broken she will go running to you. That is where you take over" I turn to face the door turning the knob, "anyways Jungkook I have to go to class, see you around" once I leave him alone I already know I have him in the palm of my hand.
"Let's have some fun Yoo Rachel"

A/N sorry for bad chapters I've just had writers block and I decided to force myself to write this whole chapter. Thank you for reading

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