Today was where my dream will finally begin,a new fresh start.

"miss jang dahee, you will be the last member to join our new girl group called Venus, you will also be the youngest member meaning If you want to debut we need to start training straight away and it would be doing double the training"

"okay,so what's today schedule?

"since today is Saturday you will start your training 2 hours of singing followed by dance then some classes to do with variety, languages however seeing youve traveled to a lot of places i dont think you would need that. your first class will start in 10 minutes"

he shows me to the practice room it looks beautiful much better than the ones at school but considering this is a company for idols it must be that way. Opening the door I was greeted by cube artists.

"This is Ms Kyung and Eunji who will help you with singing, for your dancing we can know you're advanced in that area so you'll catch-up quickly with your members, for variety you will have ilhoon and bomi teach you" He smiles and leaves me in my first lesson with Ms Kyung and Eunji.

"Hello, my name is jang dahee" bowing to my singing teachers. my heart rate is getting higher making me nervous

"theirs nothing to be nervous about we're not going to kill you" Eunmi jokes as I laugh nervously.

"okay let's start,I want you to pick a song to sing" Ms Kyung's facial expression changes.

"I'll be singing, ailee - I'll show you"

Istart of with a shaky voice then I start getting into it

"Did you like her that much that you had to leave me?

How much more do I have to be better?

No matter how much I try to erase you

We spent so many days together

The past times are so regrettable that tears keep flowing but...

I will show you a completed changed me

I will show you a way prettier me

I don't wanna cry like a fool over love, over you who left

I will meet a hotter guy and I will show you for sure

A me who is happier than you

I won't be sad without you, I won't break down

Boy you gotta be aware"

i start leading up to the high notes as I go to the bridge (of the song)

"I will throw away the ring you gave me

I will erase the letters you wrote me

Without lingering attachment, without regret, I'll forget you

I wanna forget you, I wanna erase you

once I finish singing I start to get nervous.I couldnt stare at the camera unlike a few moments ago

" that was really good, I'm suprised you hit that note!" eunji says with her slight busan accent slipping

"that was amazing but we need to practice on the starting because you were nervous you became off key but I saw your confidence grow towards the end" Ms Kyung smiles satisfied at the performance

"thank you" I bowed

Once they left to do their own practice I had dance with Bae Yoon Jung. I bow once again introducing my self. She smiles back however once the music started playing, her smile disappeared.

Dancing was a hell even though I thought it would be easier and she's harsh making sure everything was right.

After god knows how long she compliments me for my effort before she left. I collapse to the floor massaging my leg. My stomach rumbles, im soooooo hungry. at that moment Mr shin came to greet me.

"I know it may seem like hell now but it will become easier, you have 1 hour 30 minute to rest but make sure you won't eat too much because an idol must have a beautiful thin figure, that's what people like to see" he explains then leaves me.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

This is nothing compared to the hell I'm living. A few more weeks, months I'll show them.

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