"Dear jang dahee,

we would like you to preform on this year's kcon 2014 to be a dance teacher, we heard that your good at dancing from your fellow former members, we hope to see you their! "
- KCON Staff

Reading the letter I was wondering, what would life be like if I didn't run away once again? if I stayed, but it was too complicated. my mental health was at stake being near people who will break me, making me go through so much pain. I take a deep sigh. Throughout the years I've disappeared, I've been doing designing for people who wishes to express themselves in body art. In short, a tattoo artist. Dancing was something I left behind along with my heart. I don't know why they would ask me to teach..

Reading the letter over again, they contacted me because the Venus members told them.. Intrigued by this, I search up Venus on Youtube since I haven't kept track of them in 2 years. Looking at the views and comments they've become more popular and more well known. On the side bar with suggested videos came up with our debut mv with me in. Scrolling down to view the comments that fans left on the video, too my surprise it was about me.

"where's dahee i miss her?"

"dahee comeback home~"

"so cute, what happened to dahee?"

I smile knowing that people still care, if I do go to kcon it give me a risk that I would meet them but I'll be under the tent all day and they won't be walking around.


Changing into my dancing attire of shorts and a loose top along with a cap and trainers. I tie my hair up into a sleek ponytail and drive to KCon. Arriving at the gate, their isn't a long line yet meaning I don't have to wait long before I go inside. I get given a card attached to a necklace to show that I was going to be at a panel. Looking around the area before I visit the panel where I was going to be. Everyones busy still setting up for today when suddenly i hear screams behind me.

"OMG IT'S JANG DAHEE!!!!" a girl squealing looking at me as I turn around and smile, she runs up to me holding a piece of paper and pen.

"Y-You're Jang Dahee from Venus right? can I have an autograph and picture please?" she says smiling

"of course" i sign the piece of paper and smile at the camera that she brought with her.

"remember to go to the tent later! I'll be teaching dances" flashing one more smile before leaving. 

I walk past the stage for tonight's performance featuring Venus, Bangtan boys, Got7, IU, G - Dragon, Sistar, snsd ect. I smile knowing that their all going to be here but I should keep quite.

Suddenly someone grabs me covering my mouth as I struggle out of his grip. He turns me around to face him. Jungkook. He let's go off my mouth and hugs me.

"I missed you"

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