"Yugyeom can you help me please? Can you bring me back the sketchbook from Bambam it's very precious to me" I hold my hands together giving him a cute look hoping it would work on him to get my sketchbook back before Bambam has a chance to open and peck inside.

He replies with a friendly smile,  "haha, i guess you must be hiding something in that sketch book, dont worry, I'll get it back but first let's eat" he held my wrist dragging me through the corridors and bringing me straight to the cafeteria.

"sit over their at the empty seat and i'll be right back" i nod making my way to the cafe like chairs and wooden table. wahh this school basically has a restaurant instead of a cafeteria. I watch as Yugyeom moves straight to the front of the lines and not even recieving glares from the other students that he slid past by. well, he gets a few from the male student well at the back of the line. it seems as if he used his charms to slide in. Yugyeom returns back to the table with two chairs full of food, I begin to lick my lips seeing it approach closer to me.  It looks so yummy my tummy started grumbling and with my favourite drink, bubble tea.

"Thank you" my eyes twinkle at the food Yugyeom places in front of me. Halfway through finishing my lunch, I looked up at Yugyeom and found him smiling.

"Why is their something on my face?" Still chewing on a mouthful

"No why?" He gives a charming laugh

"Because your smiling at me"

"Ahh~I'm just smiling because you look so cute when you eat, you must've been really hungry" I nod in response. Once I finished the rest of my food, I looked at Yugyeom's and he hasn't even taken a bite or even touched it.

"Yugyeom why don't you eat?"

"Im not actually hungry" he laughed

"But I feel bad because you gave me lunch and your not even going to eat"

"Stay still" he says as he brings his hand closer to my face moving a strand of hair behind my ear "there"

"Thanks" Feeling my cheeks burning up. I'm probably blushing like crazy right now! Suddenly he stood up.

"Oh hi hyung" I turn around to see 6 other guys including Bambam

"Hi Yugyeom sorry to ruin your date but we need to go" a tall caramel blond guy apologised to me.

"Oh practice! Sorry, I forgot and Dahee this is JB, JR, Jackson, youngjae, mark and-"

"Hi honey!" Bambam cheerfully greets me

"Hey.. uh Bambam" I greeted him, I look at the books he's carrying in his arms and I see my sketchbook wedge in between two thick books. Oh no my drawings might get smudge and what if he creased it!

Yugyeom picked up on my worry and asked Bambam. "Hey Bambam, you know the sketchbook earlier, can I look at it? I think I found the owner" he smiles at me once again.

"Really? I have it, let me just place these books on the table" a loud thud was heard as he carelessly placed it down. As he did, my sketchbook opened to the page of me and Bambam when we were children.

The writing said "honey and bammie" on the top, I quickly grabbed it and closed the book shut "look at the time", staring at the big clock in the cafeteria, "bye Yugyeom I need to go, see you later!" Making a quick exit. Walking down the corridor all I could think was 'what the hell was wrong with me!?'

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