Sick Day

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I hear groaning come from the bathroom pushing the blankets off of me I walk in to see Joe leaning over the sink trying to brush his teeth.

"What's wrong Joe?"

"I feel ickyyyy."


"I don't feel good I've been throwing up since one this morning."

"I'll cancel the meetings for today go get into bed and I'll be in soon."

He nods his head slowly I use the bathroom before grabbing my phone and walking upstairs. I cancel all of our meetings for the next two days before I start on some tea. Grabbing a plate of crackers I set them on a plate before getting one of his favorite mugs. Filling it up I grab it along with his plate carrying it downstairs to him. Walking into the bathroom I get some cough medicine and I get the tiny cup that goes with it.

"Alright JoJo open up."

"Nooo I don't want tooo."

I fill it up to the line sitting next to him on the bed.

"Come on it will help you start to feel better."

"But it's gross."

He pouts I pry open his lips pouring it in his mouth before smiling rinsing the cup off.

"That was mean."

"I know now hush and go to sleep I'll be upstairs cleaning call if you need me."

Pressing a kiss to his forehead I walk upstairs going to the sink to wash a few dishes. I dry them with a towel once I'm finished before putting them away.


"On my way Joe."

I call walking down to the bedroom.

"I thought you were going to nap?"

"Well yeah but I threw up again and my tummy hurts will you rub it for me."



"Okay okay easy."

I get in the bed beside him pulling him to my chest I push his shirt out of the way letting my hand gently rub over his stomach.

"How does that feel?"

"Really good."

He yawns I smile continuing to rub over his stomach Joe's breathing soon evens out and I look over to see him asleep.

"Sleep well babe."

I whisper kissing his cheek before heading back up to finish cleaning the house. I sweep the floor then mop it making sure to put a fan on to help dry the floor quicker. While Joe rests I film my video for Monday. Going back into the kitchen I get out my phone to face time my mum.

"Hello Caspar how are you love?"

"I'm good mum Joe is sick could you help me make some chicken soup for him?"

"Sure love okay do you have chicken breast, chicken broth, celery, carrots, egg noodles, onion, salt, pepper, dry basil and oregano?"

I look through the cupboards before nodding my head.

"Yeah we have everything what do I do first?"

"Chop the chicken into bite size pieces before putting it in a non stick pan."

Getting out the chicken I chop it off putting it in the pan turning the fire on, after washing my hands I chop up the celery, onion and carrots. After the chicken is done she tells me to put it in a pot with the vegetables. I add the chicken broth in along with the basil and oregano mixing everything I put in a little salt and pepper. Mum tells me to let that cook and I get two bowls down with spoons and I get two bottles of water. Setting them on a tray with the bowls we wait for the soup to be done before I taste it and shut it off.

"This tastes great thank you so much mum I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Alright darling I love you give my best to Joe I hope he feels better soon."

"Love you too and I will."

We hang up I put my phone in my pocket putting some of the soup in both bowls before carrying it down to Joe who is laying down watching a video.

"Hey look who's awake I made you some dinner."


"Mhm I called my mum to get some help she told me what to do I wanted to make something to help you feel better. An she wanted me to tell you that she hopes you feel better soon."

"Awe she's sweet and thank you so much."

Getting in beside him I hand him the tray and we start eating.

"Thank you for taking care of me today I appreciate it."

"Anything for you my love."


Dedicated to: otp_jaspar I really hope you like it :)

Jaspar One Shots (boyxboy)✔️Where stories live. Discover now