Pranks Can Hurt (One)

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Caspar makes his way back to the apartment he shared with Joe, he was beyond tired having to get up earlier than usual and go to what seemed like twenty meetings. He would have called a uber but their place was only two blocks away. Humming to himself as he walked Caspar couldn't help but admit the excitement of it just being him and Joe for the next two days. Their friends were all either out of town or busy so Joe suggested they hung out at home just relaxing. When he heard the offer Caspar's heart nearly sang with happiness at the idea.

It was no secret to a few of their closest friends mainly Oli, Conor, Will and Josh that Caspar was in love with Joe, he just couldn't help himself when it came to the other lad. To Caspar Joe was everything he could ever want in a boyfriend he was very sweet, took care of Caspar when he was sick. Made Caspar feel safe despite Caspar being taller, Joe nearly always managed to make Caspar feel better when he was down and if for some reason he just couldn't feel happy Joe would be a friendly shoulder for Caspar to lean on always lending a ear when he needed it. Although many people thought Caspar wasn't the brightest or best he did the same in return for Joe. Overall Joe just made Caspar very happy he couldn't ask for a better person to be falling for. Finally making his way back to the flat Caspar heads inside using his keys.

"Joe I'm back."

"Hey mate how was the meetings?"

"Good I'm so ready for bed tho."

Joe smiles patting the seat next to him Caspar sits down taking off his shoes.

"Um Caspar there's something I need to talk to you about."

"What is it is everything okay?"

"Yeah it's just I'm not sure how you'd take it or understand."

"You can tell me anything Joe you know that."

Caspar says worry setting in that it had to be something bad for Joe to think he wouldn't understand."

"Okay here goes."

Joe clears his throat running a hand through his hair a few times.

"I'm in love with you."

Caspar's eyes widen as he look at Joe his heart in his throat as he studied Joe.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes and I know that it's sudden but I think it's best you know."

Caspar thinks of how to tell Joe he feels the same just as he says I love you too Jack jumps from a box yelling you got pranked. Joe stares at Caspar having heard the words but Jack being in the box had not. Caspar laughs with Jack trying not to let his tears fall as Jack hugs him tightly.

"We got you so good mate you should have seen your face you looked so shocked and then when I jumped out. This has got to be on of Joe's best pranks yet the viewers are going to flip."

Jack was the only one aside from Mikey who didn't know of his feelings for Joe. He had just told the other lads a few days ago while Jack and Mikey had gone shopping with Joe. Ignoring the other lad he heads for the stairs excusing himself telling Jack he had a few emails and editing but they would catch up later. Going into his room Caspar shuts and locks the door sitting on his bed burying his face in his hands. He felt like complete shit he told Joe he loved him too and it had only been a stupid prank.

Crying quietly into his pillow Caspar tries to keep himself composed a bit he wouldn't risk letting Joe hear him cry. Grabbing his phone he pulls up Twitter wiping his eyes so he can see.

Sometimes pranks can hurt.

Closing out of the app Caspar sighs logging back on he deletes the tweet knowing that it won't help any.

Oliver W.🌵
You okay mate? I saw your tweet before you deleted it.

Feeling his eyes water again Caspar takes a moment before responding.

'Can I come over it's better to explain in person.'

When Oli agrees Caspar calls a uber and packs a bag for a few days creeping upstairs he sees the flat is empty. When the uber arrives Caspar goes down giving off Oli's address. Finally making it to Oli's place Caspar takes the elevator up and knocks on the door. Opening it Oli takes one look at the South African and knows his heart has been broken.


Simply nodding Oli ushers him in having him sit on the couch, quietly Caspar explains what happened Oli's heart breaking for the lad across from him. He knew Joe probably didn't mean for Caspar to get hurt after all he knew nothing of Caspar's feelings for him. Then again it wasn't the best type of prank to have with one of your best mates in the first place. Making them both a cup of tea Oli spends the next few hours lending Caspar a shoulder to cry on. Crawling into bed in Oli's guest room Caspar pulls his phone out once more.

Sometimes pranks can really fucking hurt.

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