What If (Short)

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*Any of the lyrics used from Troye's Sivan's song Youth belong all to him I am just using them for this imagine. All ownership of the song and credits go to Troye.

                                                                             Dear Joe,

I know we aren't suppose to be passing notes in class but I just can't stop myself there are so many things I want to tell you so many things, first being that I love you so much even tho I tell you that all the time. Second I know that you're still a little doubtful of this working out but I promise to try my best to keep you happy. 

Trust me love I understand it's hard to believe especially when so many people are hateful but I know we can do it. We don't need them we only need each other. What if we run away would you be willing to do that? What if we left today we could go where ever we wanted as long as I'm with you I'm happy. 

What if we said goodbye to safe and sound you know hard to find? We could lose our minds we can just let them fall behind, and they're never found. Joe would you be willing to run away with me even if it meant leaving everyone behind?

What if we start to drive what if we close our eyes we're speeding through red lights into paradise?We've no time for getting old we can do that after we've lived our life together. I'm willing to give you anything that I can to make you happy. Yeah we're young but who cares when I'm with you nothing

else seems to matter. I love you with everything I have and I don't ever want to lose you; what if we fell in love and it never stopped.

                                                                  - Love always Caspar Lee

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