Just Like Dads.

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"Caspar hurry up you need to go pick Emilia up from school."

Joe calls from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm tying my shoes right now baby."

Caspar finishes tying his shoes before grabbing his wallet and keys heading down to Joe.

"See I'm ready."

"Good now go on."

Joe smiles kissing him before watching as he goes out to pick up their daughter from school. Caspar backs out of the driveway making his way to the school to Emilia had finally talked her dads into letting her attend public school after spending the last few at a private school. She said she wanted the chance to hang out with other thirteen year olds and make more friends. Joe and Caspar always wanting their girl to be happy talked over and agreed she was very excited about it. Pulling up to the school Caspar gets out waiting by the door so she'll be able to spot him.


"Hey short stuff how was school?"

He asks hugging her as they get settled in the car heading for home.

"Great remember Tiffany?"

"The one who was invited to your birthday party?"

"Uhuh well we were wondering if she could come over and bring her parents she has two dads just like I do."

"I don't see why not you'll just have to ask your daddy."

"I hope he says yes."

She hums telling him about the rest of her day as they soon pull into the driveway heading inside.

"We're home baby!"

"I'm in the kitchen."

They follow his voice into the kitchen Emilia smiles hugging him before explaining what she did to Caspar.

"That sounds wonderful invite her over tomorrow it's a Saturday so you can spend the day hanging out."

"Thank you so much."

She cheers before racing for the stairs excited to tell Tiffany her dads said yes Joe smiles at Caspar as they begin getting dinner started.

The next morning the Lee house is busy with getting it ready for their guests to arrive Emilia having cleaned her room completely.

"They're here!"

She yells when she hears the doorbell Joe tells her to calm down while he and Caspar walk to the door. Opening it their eyes meet a young girl standing in front of two guys, Dan and Phil? The eyes of the adults widen when they see each other smiles covering their faces as Joe invites them in. The girls hug each other chatting while their dads talk over tea the girls a bit confused on how well they seem to get along.

"Dad can we go upstairs to my room?"

"If it's alright with her parents."

"We don't mind."

Dan smiles watching as the girls head upstairs after entering the door Tiffany turns towards Emilia.

"Is it just me or do they seem to know each other?"

"I noticed that too I wonder if they knew each other."

"Lets look online maybe they have Facebook's still from when they were younger."

"First we can try just putting their names in Google."

Nodding Tiffany sits next to Emilia's desk as she brings the search engine up putting their parents names in.

"No way they were YouTubers?"

"I never knew that."

Emilia smiles as she clicks on one of Joe's videos the girls cracking up as they spend the next two hours going through videos on all four channels.

"You know I have a idea my dad Joe really seemed to like pranks maybe we should pull one on them."

"Which one?"

"The surprise box one we could sneak out my window and put the box on the front step one of us could be hiding inside and jump out when they set it in the lounge."

"Yeah I'll record it on my phone."

Grinning at each other the girls get to work with setting their prank into action grabbing a box from the storage room. Climbing carefully out the window and down the side ladder the girls sneak to the front door placing the box down while Tiffany gets inside. Making sure the box is closed Emilia rings the bell before running to the backdoor sneaking inside. She turns her phone on recording as Caspar goes to the door looking confused as he drags the box into the lounge.

"What is it babe?"

"I'm not sure it doesn't say anything."

Caspar replies going to open it all four adults screaming when Tiffany jumps out Emilia laughs walking next to the box.

"That was perfect."

She laughs ending the video hugging Tiffany before looking at her dads.

"You found our videos didn't you?"

Joe asks hand still gripping his chest as his daughter nods.

"Why didn't you guys tell us?"

"We didn't know if you would be interested and we wanted you to grow up in private."

Caspar says hugging Emilia pressing a kiss to the top of her head and Phil turns to Tiffany.

"The four of us have been friends for a long time we still talk once in a while but didn't have any idea we lived so close to each other."

"You got us good but just remember Joe is a professional you have no idea what you started."

Dan laughs as Joe grins hugging Emilia as well the girls grinning to each other as the thought of starting their own joint channel fills their minds. You could say they were exactly just like their dads. 


I really hope you like this and it meets your expectations thank you for requesting! :)

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