Dorm Mates

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Joe wipes the water from his face as he walks into his dormitory building the rain had came so unexpectedly he had no chance avoiding it.

"Hey Sugg is the rain letting up anytime soon?"

"No I don't think so best to take a umbrella."

"Alright thanks."

"No worries."

Taking the elevator to the fourth floor Joe takes the key from his pocket unlocking his dorm door and closing it behind him. The wet clothes were starting to give him a chill quickly stripping he changes into a new pair of boxers and sweats. A knock on the door Joe calls out for whoever it was to come in.

"Hi Joe."

"Caspar how many time do I have to tell you mate you don't need to knock to enter our dorm it's not just mine it's yours as well."

"Sorry I just didn't want to barge in on anything."

Caspar says removing his soaked shoes and putting them over the heater.

"This rain is insane I thought I was going to get swept away."

"Tell me about it I had no chance of making it back before it hit I look like a drowned rat."

Joe says throwing Caspar a towel to dry off while Joe dries his hair leaving the bathroom open for Caspar to change. Climbing into bed Joe wraps up in his duve trying his hardest to get warm again. After a few moments Caspar comes out crawling into his bed as well both boys shivering as they listen to the thunder.

"How were your classes?"

Joe asks knowing the younger lad had been struggling for a little while there to get over his nerves to give a oral report.

"Good actually I took your advice and asked my professor if I could look at one student for a few minutes at a time while I spoke. She said I did great she couldn't even tell I was nervous after I had started."

"That's amazing well done I knew you could do it."

Joe smiles he knew Caspar could do it if he just took his time with Joe being a year ahead of him he knew some tips that could help. Snuggling deeper into his blankets Joe sighs when he can get any warmer.

"Has the heat came on?"

"Not since I've been here."

Getting out of bed Joe walks to the thermostat pressing the on button.

"It's not working what the hell."

"I have the number for maintenance we can call and have them come look at it."

Grabbing his phone from the charger Caspar calls the maintenance and explains their situation. Rubbing a hand over his eye he hangs up shortly after.

"They can't come in until tomorrow morning the rain has knocked electric out in different parts of the school."

"Well that's bloody brilliant how are we suppose to get warm?"

"We could just huddle together if you think that's too weird we could sit on the floor and have our duvets wrapped around us."

"I am not sitting on the floor you got the bigger bed I'm coming over there."

Joe replies grabbing his phone he sets it on Caspar's nightstand along with the remote. Taking his pillows and blankets they make a warm space for the two of them to share.

"This is so much better."

He sighs snuggling farther under the covers it was getting warmer and the bed smelled a lot like Caspar's cologne.

"The bed smells like you."

"Is that a bad thing?"

Caspar asks turning on his side to look at Joe with a smile, Joe shakes his head scooting a little closer.

"It's actually really nice short of like getting a big hug from you. That sounded like the cheesiest thing ever."

"Yeah but it was nice to hear nobody has ever been a kind to me as you have Joe. I appreciate that more than I could express to you and I just can't help but enjoy being in your company. I love having a dorm mate who's not a complete asshole or one who complains about everything. I love how you're so willing to help others in need and not be afraid to be yourself. I love how you stand up for people when they're not able to defend themselves. I just love you."

Joe looks at Caspar who groans smacking himself in the forehead.

"That was not meant to slip out fuck please ignore that last part."

Caspar says sitting up scooting away from Joe who watches him through narrow eyes.

"Are you serious? The person I've had a crush on for months just admitted he loved me and you think I'm going to ignore that?"

"Crush on wait what?"

Caspar looks at Joe confusion written on his face sitting up Joe wraps the blankets around them taking Caspar's hand in his.

"Yes crush on I've had feelings for you since you shortly moved in being dorm mates has been the best thing to ever happen to me. I may not have gotten too the love stage but I definitely am not that far off."

"Do you mean that?"

"Of course I do."

Joe smiles kissing the back of Caspar's hand watching his cheeks flush a light pink chuckling the two lay back down.

"Will you go on a date with me this weekend?"

"You don't even have to ask twice."

Caspar grins his heart beating quickly as Joe laces their fingers together resting them on his stomach.

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