Pretty in Pink (High School AU)

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Joe smiles fixing his hair and sweeping it off to the side as he sets his flat iron down. Even though his hair is straight to begin with he wanted it perfect. Looking at his phone he sees there is fifteen minutes left before his boyfriend would show up to drive him to school. Joe sighed, he loved driving places but loved riding to school in the passenger seat of his boyfriend's car even more. Looking in the mirror once more he applies a coat of mascara to his lashes and a small amount of chap stick. He would have to wait to apply his lip gloss later Caspar didn't like the feeling against his lips.


Joe calls for his older sister, hoping she would be able to help him fasten the necklace around his neck.

"Yes Joe?"

She smiles, stepping into his bedroom dressed for school already he holds up the necklace pouting slightly.

"Can you help please I can't reach this and my fingers keep shaking."

"Sure turn around."

Zoe takes the necklaces and puts it on for him smiling as the entwined CJ rests against the top of his chest.

"Thank you."

He smiles hugging her, before walking to his closet and slipping on some tights. Along with his knee length black skirt and pink jumper. Autumn had just begun meaning Joe could wear all the jumpers he wished.

"Caspar coming to get you?"

"Yep, he called dad and asked him last night but I will be riding home with you if that's okay."

"That's fine grab your bag and phone we can have some breakfast before he gets here."

Nodding Joe collects his school bag and phone before following his sister downstairs they both greet their father a kiss to each cheek before sitting down for a bowl of fruit and a toasted muffin.

"Any plans this afternoon?"

Graham asks his children who both shake their heads.

"I have to clean my room and do homework I have a test coming up next week."

"And I need to practice more singing for the Christmas concert so I'll be in my room."

Joe smiles biting into a strawberry the three happily chat about their dad's day before going upstairs to brush their teeth. Checking his appearance once more Joe slips his shoes on when his dad tells him Caspar is here.

"Have a good day at school I'll see you when I get home."

His dad smiles hugging him Joe tells Zoe he'll see her in school before heading outside, setting his bag in the back Joe gets in pulling his seat belt on.

"Morning gorgeous."

Caspar smiles leaning over pressing a kiss to Joe's lips.

"Good morning."

Joe grins as they pull away from the curb Caspar turns the radio down slightly so they can hear better.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good and you?"

"I sleep very well how was the rest of school?"

"Surprisingly well most of my classes had substitute teachers I missed you tho."

Joe pouts causing Caspar to chuckle lightly kissing his hand when they come to a stop light.

"Sorry about that I had an appointment then practice afterwards."

"You owe me."

He teases as they continue to the school before pulling into the parking lot shutting the car off Caspar leans over cupping Joe's cheek.

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