Beautiful(Major Fluff/ Fem Caspar)

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"Tell me how on earth you are this beautiful?"

Joe asks holding Caspar's hands in his a light blush covering Caspar's cheeks.

"Um I don't know?"

Chuckling softly at his boyfriend's unsure response Caspar can't help but smile listening to Joe laugh. That was his favorite sound was Joe laughing he could listen to it anytime and it almost always made him feel happy.

"What do you want to do today?"

Joe tilts his head to the side watching Caspar bite his lip as he thinks fingering at his skirt before smiling.

"Can we go shop for a few new outfits please for our trip next week?"

"Of course we can just let me put my shoes on then we can go."

Pressing a kiss to his lips Joe heads for the stairs looking through his side of the closet Caspar grabs a pair of soft pink jeans. Changing them he smiles looking in the mirror it matching quite lovely with his black sweater. Slipping his shoes on then grabbing his phone and wallet Caspar meets Joe at the front door.


"Yep let's go."

Caspar smiles as Joe takes his hand locking the door behind them getting in the car Caspar puts on their Sam Smith cd turning the volume up. 

"I choose me and I know that's selfish love you are a dream and I can't thank you enough."

Joe sings turning onto the main street Caspar listening as he watches Joe this was another thing he loved doing. Was listening to Joe sing he knew he wasn't the only one the fans did too and he was lucky enough to get to hear him whenever he wanted.

"Where should we go?"

"Westfield maybe? We haven't been there in a while we can stop for lunch somewhere after if you want too."

"Sounds great."

Joe grins kissing his hand continuing to drive following the mental directions to the shops. Caspar looks out the window excitedly as they pull into the parking lot waiting till the car is off Caspar gets out taking Joe's hand in his.

"This is going to be such a fun time."
"Come on baby please for me."

Joe does a little pout at Caspar who rolls his eyes taking the light red mini skirt and walking into the changing room. Smiling he sits in a chair waiting for his boyfriend to come out scrolling through his messages quickly he puts his phone away when Caspar comes out.

"Damn you look adorable Casp I love that skirt."

"It is really pretty and it's so soft."

Caspar says softly looking at himself in the mirror letting the material slide through his fingers.

"Then lets buy it."

"Oh I don't know wouldn't you rather I get more pants instead."

"If you need more we can buy some too but I know how much you love wearing your skirts."

Joe motions for him to spin around a few times before nodding his head.

"It's fantastic, what's wrong baby?"

He asks tilting his head as Caspar continues to look at the skirt a sigh passing his lips as he turns to Joe.

"Some people don't think I should be wearing skirts they think my legs are too pale or that I don't look right."

"Who on earth told you such lies?"

"A few people online and some in public it's not a big deal I can just wear pants."

"Absolutely not listen to me okay?"

Joe pulls Caspar too him cupping his cheeks waiting until Caspar's eyes connect with his.

"There is nothing wrong with you wanting to wear skirts or 'girly' clothing it doesn't make you any less of a person. It's your choice they're just clothes it doesn't matter if you're a boy or if your legs are pale. That isn't any of their concern at all so many others think you look fantastic in them. I personally think you look beautiful and sexy no matter what the hell you wear if you want to wear tights and a bubble gum pink top to match a blue cotton candy colored skirt then by damn you wear it. Don't ever let people make you feel bad for your clothing choice okay you are my precious colorful boyfriend who don't mind what clothing he wears as long as he is comfy."

Nodding with tear filled eyes Caspar gives Joe a quick kiss before going to put his clothes back on. The two continue their shopping adding six new skirts to the cart before checking out to go home so Caspar can model the new clothes for his overly excited boyfriend.

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