I hate you but I like you

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I huff closing my door slowly removing my work clothes for the day after dressing in my night clothes I hear a knock.


"Hello Joseph what's the matter you came home all in a huff."

"Oh Zoe it's that guy Caspar he's so annoying always messing with me because I'm shorter then him. An he's always going on about how I don't look as built as he does I hate him so much."

"Don't listen to him brother he's just being silly just because you're on the short side doth not mean a thing at all."

"Thank you Zoe."

She nods turning and leaving me to my studies I scratch the back of my neck before sitting to read. When I wake up the next morning I groan cracking my neck before getting up and dressing I walk into the kitchen to get some porridge. 

"Good morning Joseph."

"Morning father off to the iron today for the horse shoes?"

"Yes after your lesson I would like for you to accompany your sister to get some things for when we sup."

"Yes father."

He smiles before calling a farewell to Zoe once I finish with my breakfast before grabbing my bag slipping it over my shoulder. 

"Joe I'll be there at your lesson a few moments before it's over."

"Alright I'm off."

Waving I head out the door walking along the dirt road towards my jousting lesson, the sun shines brightly as I make my way into the ring. I look around not seeing many people but I spot a paper nailed to a post.

Dear Students,

I fear I am ill so I shan't be in for lessons today see you in two days time.


I decide to practice anyway since Zoe won't be here for an hour setting my stuff to the side I grab a spear practicing at throwing it into the targets. Sweat covers my brow slightly as I hurl the spear again I walk to retrieve it when I'm shoved to the ground.

"Look what we have here a filthy Sugg."

Rolling my eyes I look up to see Scott one of the meanest people in our village everyone hated him even his own family. He was a drunk and vile brushing off my clothes I flip him off before going to grab my spear. A sudden sharp pain hits my arm I look to see blood oozing from the cut placed there by his sword. I hiss slightly as he shoves me dirt covering the still bleeding spot a dry chuckle comes from his chest as he cuts the sleeve of my shirt. 

"Scott go mess with someone else."

I say and he sneers at me I roll away as he raises his sword to hit me.

"Are you insane?!"

Scrambling to get up I run only to be tripped by his foot I feel my heart pound begging for him not to kill me.

"Enjoy meeting your maker Sugg uhhh."

Blood pours from his chest the tip of a spear sticking threw it I look up to see Caspar standing there he drops the spear.  Taking my hand he pulls me up pulling me away from the ring I stumble trying to keep up with him. Caspar leads me to the well bring some water up and dipping a rag into it before cleaning my arm.

"Will you stop moving?!"

"It hurts you dick."

"Well of course it will hurt you were cut."

Standing there I watch as he cleans my arm before inspecting the wound.

"How did you know what was happening?"

"Your sister saw and ran to find help I was walking to practice she went to get needle and thread I asked her to meet here with us."

"Why are you helping me I thought you hated me."

"I thought you hated me?"

"I never said I hated you."

"Then why are you always so rude to me?"

"Because why are you mean to me?"

He looks into my eyes and I feel my breath catch in my throat as I blush looking down at our hands that are lightly brushing.

"Some of the things you do makes me hate you so so much but then I realize I hate you because I like you more then I should."

"I like you too Joe."

He smiles I bite my lip before leaning forward and kissing his mouth I smile against his lips as he kisses back before I pull away.

"Oh look her's my sister."

I say watching as she walks up the road handing Caspar the needle an thread she hugs me.

"You have a lot of explaining to do when we return home brother."

She laughs softly in my ear I smile to myself and Caspar winks at me.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finally finished with this one yay I hope you like it darling thank you for the request! :)

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