I'll Always Be Your Hero

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(Part 2 of Superhero)
Joe places his suit on the rack to dry making his way into the bathroom to clean up the cuts on his face and hands.

"Caspy I'm home."

He calls hearing footsteps before Caspar appears next to him a smile appearing on his face before a frown replaces the smile.

"What happened to you?"

"Just another fight it was nothing really."

"Why didn't you have me go with you?"

"Well you were napping and I didn't want to wake you up."

"But we're suppose to be fighting this stuff together that is what a team does that is what couples do."

"I know it's okay I promise I'll get you next time."

Caspar nods his head kissing Joe's forehead grabbing a alcohol wipe to clean the rest of the cuts up.

"Who was it?"

"Ryland he was breaking into the bank."

"Did you get him?"

"Yeah police got him now so how was your nap?"

"Fine I really needed it this past month has been so crazy and hectic."

Caspar sighs stretching as they walk into the living room Joe laying his head on Caspar's lap.

"You'll be ready for bed then tonight."

"Mhm you will too, you don't need a doctor or anything do you?"

"No it was only my face I promise."

Joe says pulling him down gently their lips meeting Caspar runs his fingers through Joe's hair after they pull away.

"I love you."

"I love you Caspy."

Joe smiles getting a idea standing up he pulls Caspar into their bedroom a smirk replacing his smile.

"Let's play hero."


"Trust me you'll like it."

Joe takes a pair of cuffs putting Caspar's hands behind his back.

"Okay you run to a part of the house and I'll search for you."

"So like I've been kidnapped and you're going to save me?"


Nodding Caspar walks off quickly Joe hums setting up the bed before walking out to search for Caspar.

"Caspar where are you?" *Warning Very Smut*

Caspar lets out a playful help he glances out from the closet waiting for Joe to go by before he runs to the bedroom. Wiggling out of his sweats Caspar sits on the bed letting out another help. Joe searches before making his way back upstairs.

"Joe help!"

Joe grins walking into the bedroom before stopping in the doorway.

"You found me."

"I'm more then happy I did."

Joe replies grabbing the keys to unlock Caspar's arms only to hook them to the bed after removing Caspar's tee shirt.

"What a hero."

"I'll always be your hero

Caspar smiles at these words wiggling his hips causing Joe to bite his neck lightly as he grinds his hips into his boyfriends.

"It's been awhile."

Caspar moans as Joe removes his boxers licking under his stiff c0ck.

"Trust me darlin I'll more then make up for it."

Joe smirks removing his clothes pressing his hips into Caspar who ruts his hips up wanting friction.

"Easy baby don't want you getting too excited too fast."

Joe breaths in his ear pressing kisses along his neck making sure to leave a trail of marks for Caspar to see in the morning. Moving down his body loving that Caspar's hands are out of his way Joe kisses his stomach enjoying the soft skin. Using his mouth and hand Joe listens in delight as Caspar moans bucking his hips up wanting Joe's mouth more on him.

"Joe please."

Caspar whispers wanting to feel Joe take him completely winking Joe takes the head in his mouth swirling his tongue. Joe hums bobbing his head taking more of Caspar then he had before working Caspar close to the edge Joe pulls off.

"What are you doinng?"

Caspar whines moving his hips again for that final friction Joe reaches into the night stand next to the bed grabbing the bottle of lube coating his fingers.

"Shh Caspar lemme take care of you."

He says softly to the blond beneath him Joe slowly pushes a finger inside himself moaning at the feeling he was still slightly loose from this morning when Caspar was at the doctors.

"But I wanna touch you."

Caspar pleads wanting the stupid hand cuffs off of him so he could touch his baby Joe slips a second in stretching himself more. Curling his fingers Joe screams as he brushes his prostate bucking his hips. Pulling his fingers out and whimpering Joe covers Caspar's c0ck in lube before straddling him. He settles on Caspar's throbbing erection clenching around him reaching up he unlocks the cuffs. Caspar places his hands in Joe's hair bringing their lips together in a heated kiss Joe lifts up sliding back down moaning at the feeling of being full.

"Fuck Joe you're so tight."

"You feel so good Caspy."

Joe moans holding the headboard as he begins ridding his boyfriend Caspar places his hands on Joe's hips helping him along bucking his hips up to push farther into Joe. The two begin panting and moaning sweat covering their bodies as the sound of skin slapping fills the room with heavy breathing.

"Joe I can't."

Caspar breaths feeling his stomach tighten as fire rushes through him Joe slamming down his prostate being hit as he clenches watching Caspar come undone beneath him. Joe rides him more pumping himself before cumming into the sheets. Falling on top of Caspar Joe pants listening to Caspar's heart race the blond's arms wrapped around him. Joe places a kiss to his head giving them a few minutes before going to slowly take a shower and throw the sheets and blankets in the wash. Replacing the bed sheets they fall back into bed a smile on Caspar's lips.

"That was amazing."

He whispers into Caspar's damp hair rubbing a hand over his stomach yawning as he cuddles more into his side.

"I loved it we should play hero more often."

Caspar chuckles kissing Joe's head as they lay there wrapped in the blankets enjoying the peace.

Well I um hope you all like this haha I enjoyed writing it.

Jaspar One Shots (boyxboy)✔️Where stories live. Discover now