Tickling Leads To.

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I move around the flat trying to clean up my mess before Joe gets back sweeping the floor I let out a cry of relief when I dump it into the bin. All that was left was the table I had been making a video and things got a bit messy. After the flat is finally clean I hear a knock on the door I open it to see Joe carrying the two paper bags full of groceries.

"Here lemme help you."

"Thank you Caspar."

Nodding my head I carry the bag to the counter starting to put everything away Joe stands next to me putting his bag away.

"Did you have a good tome shopping with Oli?"

"Mhm we got everything we need how did the video go?"

"Good but now I want to cuddle."

I smile taking his hand I lock  the door behind him leading him down to our room we lay on the bed.

"Can I have a kiss please?"

"I don't know can you?"


Smiling I shake my head causing him to pout sitting up and he straddles me.

"Kiss me or you'll regret it."

"Oo I'm so scared."

Joe smirks before he starts tickling my sides and neck.

"J-JOe stop!

"Nope not until I get my kiss."

I laugh squirming trying to get away from him and I try to get him to stop.


"What was that?"

"I'll kiss y-ou just STOP."

He removes his hands letting me catch my breath I close my eyes breathing in threw my nose before I open them.

"I love you Joe."

"I love you too baby."

Joe leans forward kissing my mouth I kiss back my hands holding his shoulders. The kiss deepens and I let out a soft sigh as his lips move towards my neck. Slowly I pull his shirt off before he removes mine our clothes soon laying in a pile on the floor.

(Warning Mature Content)



Nodding his head Joe reaches into the bedside stand grabbing a bottle he lubes his fingers up spreading my legs. Pressing a kiss to my knee I wince slightly as I feel a finger move into me Joe gives me a moment to adjust before he starts moving it.

"Am I hurting you?"


He leans up kissing my mouth as I relax more a second finger working it's way into my hole as he starts scissoring to stretch me. I grip the blankets as he kisses my collarbone I push down on his fingers moaning as he brushes my prostate. After adding the third finger and stretching me more Joe reaches for the bottle again. Covering himself with a good amount my legs open wider and I feel his c0ck against my hole.

"Don't you dare tease me Joe."

"Wouldn't dream of it baby."

He chuckles pushing in until his thighs are against my bum I take a moment to adjust to the feeling before nodding to move. Pulling out to the tip Joe thrusts back in my back arching as his hips circle."

"More Joe please."

"As you wish love."

Thrusting faster I moan grinding down on him clenching slightly a moan falling past his lips. I bring his head down to me kissing his mouth as my hand wraps around my length.

"Oh fuck Jooee."

"You're so fucking tight Caspy."

I moan again when he thrusts into my prostate my eyes clenching shut as my body starts to shake.


"Just hold out for a minute baby."

He pants his thrusts getting sloppier I clench around him before moaning his name cumming hard and fast. Joe moans into my neck as he slows down filling me up I lay there whimpering slightly as he pulls out clenching slightly. Laying next to me Joe grabs for the wet wipes we have next to the bed cleaning us up.

"We need to change the sheets."

I roll my eyes smiling as he kisses my temple wiping my face off his heart still pounding.

"Who knew tickling could lead to that."

I finally finished it woo! Dom Joe is life I hope he's dom enough for you lovely. :)

dedicated to: jasparland

Jaspar One Shots (boyxboy)✔️Where stories live. Discover now