I'll Wipe Your Tears

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"Stupid that's all I am is stupid I can't do anything right I can't get anything done."

The tall blond curses himself as he walks home angry tears wanting to roll freely down his cheeks but he keeps them at bay. Caspar's day had been shit more then shit it felt like the worst day of his life so far. Nothing went right for him he angered his manger by being late for a meeting only because his uber driver kept going the wrong way. He was yelled at for being tardy which in the words of his other manager meant he was childish. Then his YouTube video didn't go up as he had scheduled which meant he had to skip lunch so he could find a place to get wifi so he could put that up.

His sister called letting  him know they had to cancel their trip up because his mum had the flu and Theo was staying home to take care of her. Not to mention the fact that all he wanted to do was go home and cuddle with his boyfriend but Joe was out of town for two more days visiting his parents. Caspar just wanted Joe to come home but there was no way in hell he was going to ask him to. Joe loved visiting his parents and hadn't seen his nan in awhile so Caspar decided to suck it up and let him enjoy his visit.

"You can do this Caspar just keep pushing through."

"Bloody hell watch where you're going."

Caspar flinches when he hears an angry voice yelling at him turning he sees he knocked the man's smoothie onto the ground.

"I'm so sorry sir I was wrapped up in thinking I can buy you another."

"Don't bother wasting your time."

The man spits before walking away Caspar's cheeks flush red as everyone looks at him ducking his head down he hurries the rest of the way home. Unlocking the door he enters quickly slamming it shut behind him. After holding them in all day Caspar lets the tears finally fall his hands covering his face as he sobs. Everything about today was terrible he just wanted to go to bed and have it over with. He feels his phone vibrate in his pocket wiping his face he pulls it out to see Joe calling. Clearing his throat and taking a deep breath he answers.


"Hi baby it's Joe."

"Hi Joe I saw your name on my screen."

"I wanted to call and see how your day was I miss you."

"I miss you too and um it was g-good I've been very busy."

"That's great love."

"How's your day been?"

Caspar smiles slightly listening as Joe rattles on about everything he's done while visiting with his parents.

"We're going out to dinner tonight with my nan and granddad."

"That sounds fun I hope you have a good time."

"I'm sure I will I got to go baby dad needs me I'll call or text you later before bed."


"I love you."

"I love you too so much."

When the call ends Caspar picks himself up off the floor and walks into the living room face planting onto the couch. Grabbing the throw blanket at the foot of the couch he covers his head sighing. 

"I just want today to be over with."

He whispers to himself before crying himself to sleep.
"Bloody hell mate what's wrong with you?"

Is the first thing he hears when he opens his eyes Oli stands next to the couch a brown paper bag in hand before he sits next to Caspar.

"Cried myself to sleep what does it look like tissues every where."

Jaspar One Shots (boyxboy)✔️Where stories live. Discover now