For Sale: Baby Shoes(Trigger Warning)

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(A/N this imagine will be broken up into a few different little sections in each section something different will be going on. Trigger warning mention of baby loss if things like this bother you please please do not read this.)
Joe smiles making his way from the kitchen into the lounge with his bowl of porridge. He had exactly twenty minutes before Caspar came home and he had the greatest news to share with him. Their surrogate Amelia was pregnant she had been to the doctor this morning and had it confirmed that their baby was to be born in eight months. Eating his porridge while watching a documentary on Blue Planet Joe can't help the excitement. They weren't sure at first that the IVF would work properly, having agreed to use Joe's sperm for this child and Caspar's for the next the worry was all too real for them. Amelia had been wonderful and encouraging she'd been a surrogate before and knew how to calm the parents.

Washing his empty bowl Joe grabs the small white square box that had a small baby footprint inside. The words 'Hello Daddy I can't wait to meet you' were written in a beautiful silver font pacing the floor Joe continues to look out the window. When he finally sees Caspar's uber pull up front he quickly settles himself back onto the couch.

"Joe I'm home."

"In the lounge babe."

Smiling as his husband enters the room Joe stands greeting him with a kiss his smile growing wider.

"How was work?"

"Really good we got a lot more done today then I thought we would."

"That's great I um have something for you here."

"A present? It's not any of our birthdays I didn't miss something did I?"

"No you're fine just open it."

Caspar pulls Joe onto his lap looking over Joe's shoulder he unties the ribbon covering the box, taking the yellow tissue paper out. Joe turns to watch his face as Caspar removes the tape slowly pulling the footprint out. Eyes widening he looks at Joe who nods his head as Caspar reads the words again.

"We're going to be parents?!"

"Yes Amelia called me earlier and told me the doctor confirmed it she's about a month along."

Holding Joe tightly to him Caspar presses a kiss to his head as the two excitedly talk about the future and the little bundle that would be with them in a matter of months.
"We're going to be moving into a bigger place we both agreed to only stay in the flat until we had children. We found a house on the outer part of London it's two stories with four bedrooms and three bathrooms. One downstairs for guests one in the master bedroom and a regular one the backyard is so spacious it's perfect."

Joe smiles as he and Zoe head back to Brighton after a day of shopping for the new house.

"I am so happy for you both I can't believe I'm going to be auntie!"

"It all feels so surreal like this is actually happening."

"We'll have to go shopping soon and have a shower for you three Amelia is such a angle for doing this."

"She's been incredible with this whole thing  we're going to be having a garage sale while we move to get rid of somethings we don't need."

"That will be fun wow I can't wait this is going to be fantastic."

"I can't either Caspar can't stop talking about it we've sent out little card to family and friends letting them know. It's all so mind blowing we're actually going to be parents I've been wanting this for awhile now we both have."

Joe smiles as they park in Zoe's driveway moving all of his things to the back of his car the two siblings walk inside to chat a while longer.
"I really like the name Alex it's pretty and can be used for either or."

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