Pranks Can Hurt(Three Final)

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"Come on Caspar can't you just come out this one night?"

"I would love to Conor but I need to get this video edited I'll take a rain check okay?"

"Alright I'll hold you to it."

Conor smiles collecting his things to head home so he can get ready for a night out with the others. Sitting at his desk Caspar sighs rubbing his face as he turns his attention to the screen he was halfway finished with the video. It wasn't just the video he needed to edit he just needed some time away from Joe. It had been two months since his secret came out and so far their friendship hadn't really changed much except they spent a lot more time together than before. It was a bit awkward in the beginning but slowly it went back to normal. He kept his love hidden and Joe pretended nothing ever happened Caspar wouldn't lie it was hard. 

Having to continue hiding your love for someone you couldn't have is never easy. Joe had decided to go out with the boys tonight and Caspar couldn't be more thankful for that. Silence fills their flat as he edits the video determination to have it done drives him to push through without any breaks. When it's finally finished Caspar looks at the clock seeing it's only a little after nine Joe would probably be out for a couple more hours. Deciding to shower before putting on a movie Caspar stands under the hot water washing his hair. He really wanted to go and visit his mum and sister they always knew how to help him out when things were hard. 

Finishing his shower Caspar flops onto his bed pulling up a movie to watch on his laptop just a random comedy to get his mind off of things.

'You alright mate?'-Oliver W.🌵 

'Yeah just needed to finish editing a video 

and have some time alone.'-Casp🎶 

'How are things with Joe?'-Oliver W.🌵 

'They're okay I just it's been hard.'-Casp🎶   

'I'm sorry mate if you ever need someone to vent too
you know I'm always here.'-Oliver W.

'You have no idea how much I appreciate that.'-Casp

Putting his phone back on his stand Caspar turns his attention back to the movie momentarily losing his train of thought. 


"In my room."

He calls pausing the movie with fifteen minutes left he waits for Joe to show up in the doorway.

"Are you okay?"


Joe says sitting on the floor or more so stumbling he had more drinks then he planned too.

"What's the matter?"

"You thas what."

He slurs rubbing his eyes Caspar looks at the older lad in confusion head tilting to the side.

"What are you talking about?"

"You I I can't figure out what's happening."

"Joe you're completely drunk you need to go to bed right now come on I'll help you."

"Nooo not not tills I tell you what I been needin to tell."

Joe scrambles up sitting on the edge of Caspar's bed Caspar has to refrain from plugging his nose Joe reeked of alcohol.

"I've been tryings to thank you know pro-prosauce."


"Yes thanks my mind and I have come to the conclusion that I like you."

"Um thanks mate I like you too best mate forever right?"

Caspar says trying to keep his worry at bay he hated dealing with a drunk Joe he never really knew what to say. Of course he could handle him when he was drunk as well the two usually just slept in the bathroom on the floor. 

"No well yes but I mean liiiiike you like Zoe and Alfredo."

"That's good now come on you need to sleep."

"I want to stay here."

Sighing Caspar get's him up changing him into a pair of joggers and a tee shirt before tucking Joe into bed next to him. Leaving a pillow between them Caspar shuts off his laptop and light waiting till he hears Joe's breath even out before going to sleep himself.
"Bloody hell."

"Good morning to you too."

Caspar says walking from the bathroom a toothbrush in hand Joe groans stuffing his face under Caspar's pillow sighing.

"What happened last night?"

"You came home said a few things then I put you to bed."

"What did I say?"

"Nothing important really don't worry."

"You mean me telling you I like you the way Zoe and Alfredo like each other isn't important?"

Joe asks lifting his head from the bed to see Caspar's cheek flushed red he really didn't want to bring that up.

"I figured it was just the alcohol talking."

Caspar mutters walking back into the room sitting on the edge of his bed Joe smiles slowly nodding.

"The alcohol helped me finally say it I wasn't planning on telling you when I was drunk off my arse but it's true. After you told me I started really thinking about it and these past two months we've been spending a lot more time together. I've really started caring for you Caspar and I mean that I know that I hurt you before and I am still terribly sorry for that. But I mean this every word of it."

"I didn't know what to do."

Caspar says wiping his face as he feels his eyes water his heart had been hurting for such a long time.

"I know and I'm sorry for that as well you were trying so hard to keep your feelings hidden but I could see through it. I caught the long glances and soft whispers of my name when you'd fallen asleep. That prank was one of the worst ideas I ever had but it a way it helped me open my eyes to something I had been blind too. I want to see where this takes us but only if you want too, I know I've hurt you but I swear I'll try to never do it again."

Looking over at him Caspar gives a small nod of his head laying next to Joe who opens his arms to hug the younger lad. Closing his eyes Caspar takes a deep breath maybe just maybe Joe and him had a shot at happiness.

So this is the final part of Pranks Can Hurt a lot of people wanted a third part and I really hope you guys like how it turned out. I have never been drunk so I just made up Joe's slurring anyway if you have any requests comment them below!

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