Daddy's Little Man

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Joe yawns stepping out of the Uber making his way into his flat closing the door behind him he calls out.

"Aden I'm home."

"Downstairs I'll be up in a few."

Joe smiles walking into the kitchen Aden was a friend from back home that had been staying with Caspar and him for the past two weeks. 

"Hey buddy good to see you."

"You too mate what's up?"

"I'm packing to catch the train at six."

"You're going home?"

"Yeah I've been here long enough and my mum misses me."

Aden chuckles getting a bottle of water before Joe follows him back down to finish helping him pack. 

"When does Caspar get home?"

"Not until six fifteen."

"Well tell him I'll talk with him later too."

He smiles as he calls a uber to take him to the station they chat for a little longer before he helps Aden put his bags in the boot.

"Travel safe cheers man."

Waving Joe walks back into the flat deciding to watch some tv while he waits for Caspar to come home.


Caspar calls walking into the house a few minutes later Joe waves from the couch before getting up and walking towards his boyfriend.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I can't take it anymore I'm so stressed meetings every day planning trips videos I don't know how much more I can take."

The blond sobs into Joe's shoulder his tears wetting the fabric of Joe's shirt.

"Awe Casp I'm sorry I know it's been harder since you can't slip into your head space well Aden just left. So let's lock the door get you a warm bottle then go downstairs to get you changed okay?"

Caspar sniffles yawning Joe presses a kiss to his lips before leading him to the couch, walking into the kitchen Joe pulls out Caspar's bottles and the bottle warmer from their locked drawer. About two years ago Caspar had a nerves break down from a bunch of stress Joe called his mum and asked her what to do. She suggested searching online to find some ways of relieving stress and Joe stumbled across a ddlb website. He spent hours researching it before finally showing it to Caspar who after hesitating agreed. Right away Joe ordered everything they could need diapers, bibs, bottles, pacifiers, baby powder and toys.

"Alright love bottle is ready lets get you downstairs and changed."

Joe smiles taking his hand and leading him downstairs walking into their bedroom Joe goes into the spare closet pulling out a giant tee baggy tee shirt with a duck on it for Caspar to put on. Caspar goes into the bathroom to use it so they wouldn't need to change his diaper soon. Standing by the bed Joe waits for him to come out getting the diaper ready for him.

"Up on the bed."

He urges after Caspar has removed his clothes and Joe quickly puts on his diaper pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth before rubbing Caspar's tummy.

"Go ahead and slip into your head space baby."

Caspar closes his eyes listening to Joe whisper and coo to him slowly he feel himself slip before opening his eyes widely.


"There's my baby boy."

Joe coos kissing his nose smiling as Caspar giggles Joe carefully helps sit him up so he can put his shirt on.

"Okay baby boy let's get you fed then we can cuddle and watch some cartoons."

Caspar squeals clapping his hands grabbing his bottle Joe leans against the head board cradling Caspar to his chest letting him drink from the bottle.

"I've missed you so much darling I love big boy Caspar but I also love my little baby."

He says softly stroking Caspar's cheek the blond boy's eyes closing to the gentle touch. When Caspar finishes the bottle Joe burps him before turning on the tv giving him his pacifier. The rest of the night they spend cuddling playing with Caspar's stuffed animals and having some mushed fruit.

"You are such a good boy Caspy."

Joe whispers tucking Caspar in pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before changing into pajamas.


Caspar quietly whines causing Joe to chuckle as he crawls into bed wrapping his arms around his little boy.

"I'm here bug I'm here."


This was my first time writing an imagine like this I hope I did it right and that you enjoy it! :)

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