He's An Ass

556 14 9

Caspar's P.O.V

I wipe off another table carrying a tray of dishes back to the sink for the washer to do before I wash my hands. Grabbing a pen and notepad I get ready to go serve some tables when I'm stopped by my friend Lucy.

"How much longer do you have?"

"Another half hour then I'm done you?"

"Another hour."

I sigh before she laughs patting my shoulder I walk out to the dinning hall I move towards a table where to guys are sitting.

"Good evening my name is Caspar I'll be your waiter can I take your order?"

"I'll have the steak with shrimp and he'll have the lobster and asparagus."

"John you know I don't like lobster or asparagus."

"Joe be quite I'm the one who's paying tonight not you."

"If you don't mind me saying sir we do have other options available that are still reasonable priced." 

"Well I do mind keep out of it he'll have the lobster and asparagus."

"Yes sir."

I say writing down the orders glancing at the guy named Joe placing the order in the kitchen I get the drinks they had already ordered. I see the John guy leaning close to Joe his hand firmly gripping his shoulder. I bring the drinks over and I see Joe wiping his eyes mumbling at thank you I nod my head going to get their food. 

"Caspar is that guy crying?"

"I think he was the guy he's with seems like a real asshole."

"You know what Scott said especially since he's drinking do whatever you can to make the customer safe."

"I know I just don't want to make a mistake."

"Well with the way the guy is kicking him under the table and gripping his arm I don't think it would be a mistake."

Turning I look to where Tiffany is nodding I see Joe wince and I look back at Tiffany.

"Lucy would want you to do something you're lucky she just got off or she'd kick you ass for not doing something sooner."

"Give me a chance to think Tiff."

I sigh getting their plates walking over I set the tray down taking both plates and dumping them into John's lap. Who jumps up yelling in pain I take Joe's arm pulling him away from the table pacing him to Tiffany.

"John I'm going to have to ask you to leave and to stay away from him if you can't treat him right."

"Oh what the bloody hell do you know it's non of your business Joe we're leaving now."


Joe whispers watching as John glares before turning around.

"Fuck you Joe and your little hero all your shit will be on the front porch have your father pick it up."

He grumbles leaving I watch as Joe wipes his eyes I excuse my behavior to the other customers who clap before returning their meals.

"Joe if you could follow me please."

I say leading him back to the break room.

"I'm sorry about the wine spilling all over you I have an extra shirt if you would like but no pants that would fit you."

"Thank you I can't believe you did that for me you don't even know me."

"True but you shouldn't be treated like that nobody should."

I had him the extra shirt turning around so he can change in private.

"If you want to sit back here I can get you a meal my treat."

"Oh you don't have to do that it's fine really I kinda just want to go home really."

"But didn't he kick you out?"

"Yeah but I mean like home to my sister I'm sure she'll let me stay with her till I can figure out what to do. I'll give her a call and see what she says thanks for the shirt here's my number that way I can get a hold of you to give it back."

"Thank you."

I smile as he writes it on a piece of paper he stands on his toes kissing my cheek before walking out to the dinning room. Smiling I put his number in my phone then place the slip of paper in my wallet walking back into the kitchen Tiffany smiles.

"Way to go Caspar."


Thank you for requesting I really thought this was cute I may do a second part to it :)

Dedicated to: colorful565

Jaspar One Shots (boyxboy)✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt