Chapter 1

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You're still reading this series?! Well, congratulations! Gold star for you! *gives you gold sticker* Now let this book begin!

Bill's POV

Almost two years. It had been about two years since Arrow had left. I had never felt so much emptiness and agony in my....heart. Two years. I spent every day since then, trying to find the right timeline that she could be in - if she still existed. I was up in my palace, alone, friendless, in my bedroom.

Time traveling wasn't the power that I had received, so every week - after hours and hours of preparation - I would open a portal that would reveal a timeline. They were all wrong. None of them had Arrow in them. I would have to find where she was now. It seemed impossible. Over hundreds of portals I had made, seeing if I had opened the right one and each ended with an immense amount of disappointment. How old would she be now? It was June, about two years later, so not fourteen - the number she'd constantly tease me with - I think it is now fifteen, going on sixteen.

I shook my head, exiting my thoughts. I focused on the black wall in front of me as I conjured up the power in my hands, thinking of a date and a place. I wish that Ford hadn't messed with the timeline or else she could still be here. But of course, he had messed something up, and Arrow had to fix it. And she never returned. The blue light built up between my fingers and I prayed like I did each time that the portal would open to her. I shot my palms at the wall and the light collided into it, bursting out with color. An image appeared of a setting and I peered in, looking around frantically. There were mountains in the background and I was looking upon a slightly inclined road in a town, small buildings lining the road.

I felt my hope diminish, not being able to find her familiar face. I had been looking for so long, for her, somewhere in this world. Looking for her on some timeline where the apocalypse didn't happen. I prepared to close it, when something caught my eye. I stopped myself and looked in, my mouth dropping open.

On the side walk, wearing a blue flannel jacket, jeans and brown boots, was Arrow. She was talking to someone who was in a small black rectangle, a small smile on her face. She laughed and I felt a pang shoot through me. She was there, only a couple yards away from me, alive. I quickly called in a demon.

The demon slugged in.

"Listen, tell the others I am leaving this dimension - this timeline. My reign here is over." I smiled brightly, my heart soaring. The demon nodded, confused, and went away, leaving me to enter. I put on my black suit and a yellow bow-tie... it was the last thing I wore when I had sent Arrow away. I made the arrow bracelet she had worn before appear in my hand and tucked it away into my pocket. Here we go... I stepped through the portal and winked out of my dimension.

There was a moment when everything was blurry before I was spit out into Arrow's timeline. I dropped to the ground, but steadied myself so I didn't fall. I looked up, hopes flying, to see her slip the rectangle into her jean pocket. I ran up, almost falling on my face because I wasn't paying attention. She looked up, shocked, as I barreled into her and hugged her tightly.

"Arrow!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs. "I found you! I've been searching for so many months for you! I found you!" I drew away and went to kiss her when she broke away and stumbled back...terrified.

"I-uh...what the heck? Who are you?"

My heart dropped and shattered onto the ground into a million pieces. "It''s me. Bill. Arrow, how can-"

"I don't know have the wrong person. My name's not Arrow." She backed away, looking around wildly.

I stared at her, baffled. How could this be? It looked so much like her, so beautiful and even sounded like her and definitely felt like her. "What? What is your name then?!"

Her gaze darted from side to side. "E-Eleanor..."

"You...don't remember me?" My voice cracked. I never acted vulnerable, and here I was, melting in front of Arrow.

"No..." She looked around as if trying to find a way to escape.

"How could you forget me? You went to Gravity Falls and met me-"

"I never went to Oregon. I've never even been out of state."

I tripped backwards and caught myself before I fell. " are the Arrow of a timeline if you never went to Gravity Falls..." I sank to my knees. The real Arrow had fixed everything to a T. She found every variable. That meant she didn't exist anymore... I forced myself up. "Wait! Ar- I mean, Eleanor. Please. You have to remember being with me! It wasn't just a one time thing!" I felt anger bubbling up inside of me. "We've kissed before, you've slept in my bed before!"

Arrow looked panicked and tried to run, but I grabbed her arm.

"Arrow! Please!" I begged.

"I have a boyfriend. I don't know you. We've never kissed and I have no idea who you are!" She screamed and tried to break free, but she wasn't strong enough. "Let me go!"

"Who's your boyfriend?!" I demanded, the feeling of rage exploding inside of me. My eye burned into her and she stiffened as I used my magic to force an answer out of her.

"Dipper Pines." She said in a slurred voice.

I recoiled from her and she fell to the ground and scrambled to leave. "PINE TREE?!" I almost set the whole state of California up in flames. "PINE TREE IS YOUR BOYFRIEND?!" I grabbed my hair and tugged at it, wanting to explode. "I will find him and talk to him. Don't run away, Arrow. I will return."

She looked absolutely mortified and began to back away. Maybe I sort of began to forget how to treat humans as humans and demons as demons. Oh well, I'd remember over time. But, right now, I had to find Pine Tree.

I should have known he'd be the problem again.

I wouldn't mind killing him twice.

Well, well, well, my lovelies. The story of the Pines, Cipher and Gennings has returned! Jumped into the story line quickly this time, haha. I know, I can't let this series die because I've grown to love it so freaking much. Hope you enjoyed this little opening cause I'm BACK baby!!!

The Beginning: Starting Anew (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon