Chapter 15

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Bill's POV

I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall with Arrow. She didn't say anything to her parents and just sat down in silence. I couldn't believe I had found out that both Pine Tree's and Arrow's parents weren't allowing them to date. It definitely caught me off guard. I knew I couldn't just go and tell everyone they were dating behind their parent's backs because (a) Arrow wouldn't willingly date me after that, and (b) Her parents would be on her about dating 24/7.

I sighed, poking my fork at the spaghetti. Stupid Pine Tree had to ruin everything - I'd fix everything eventually. I could just kill Pine Tree, but that didn't end well last time. Also, with these stupid human emotions, I felt guilt and also felt horrible about murdering him.

"Is something wrong?" Arrow whispered.

I sat up sharply. "What? Oh, no, everything's fine. I'm just...thinking."

Arrow swallowed her bite of spaghetti and turned to her parents. "Darn it, I think it's too late to study. Didn't your parents want you back a little before 6:30 because you have some activity to do?" Arrow narrowed her eyes, glaring at me.

I sighed heavily, I was very annoyed. "Yes, you're right." I secretly made a watch appear on my wrist and lifted my arm up. "Look at the time, I have to go. Thank you for the amazing dinner. Bye Ella!" I waved and said bye to all of them and as soon as I turned away from them, my smile vanished and I growled low in my throat.

"I should probably escort him out." Arrow said quickly, standing up, and bolted over to me just as I exited the house.

I marched down the sidewalk and onto the driveway.

"Bill." She said stiffly.

I turned around and my heart ached, seeing her standing there, saying my name. "Yeah? What is it? I'm out of your damn house."

Arrow lowered her gaze, slightly guilty. "You need to go back to Mabel and Dipper's house. I can't keep you here. They are crazy and reckless - that quality has always been within them somewhere - and they are keeping you there. I'm with Dipper." She clenched her jaw when she saw the hurt look flash across my face. "When will you just except that?"

"Never. That's when. A trillion years is nothing to me and waiting a trillion more is all right with me." I made my hands into fists and stuffed them deep into my jean pockets. 

Arrow looked sorrowful and also agitated. "Bill, please give up. You're giving us all a headache..."

Behind me, I heard the sound of an approaching car. I turned around and looked at the road saw a car with Pine Tree at the wheel. It didn't occur to me that he was way too young to be driving a vehicle. "Hey." His tone was mild.

I turned around, feeling betrayed and angry. "You called him anyways?"

Arrow sighed and rubbed her arm. "You aren't my problem, Bill."

I felt my skin burning red, my teeth pressed tightly together. "Fine!" I screamed and whirled around, storming down to Pine Tree's car and I hopped into the passenger's seat, slamming the door.

Pine Tree turned his eyes away from me quickly when I shot him a nasty glare. He turned around and began driving back to his house. After a heavy and hostile silence, he spoke up. "So, you went to see Eleanor?"

"Well, you did lock me out of the house, meat-sack." I spat furiously.

Pine Tree swallowed. "Yeah, I know, but you were ranting on about something and then not explaining, so, I was waiting for your tantrum to pass over."

"Tantrum? Please. You haven't known me long enough to know when I'm throwing a 'tantrum.'" I leaned up against the window, my skin still faintly red.

Pine Tree looked exasperated. "Well, why did you go to her house?"

"I was bored, Pine Tree. What do you expect me to do when I'm trapped in the backyard. Besides, I could care less of where I am." I glared into my reflection on the glass.

Pine Tree exhaled. "Sorry I locked you out of the house and whatever." He said lowly.

"Don't apologize. I don't need your sympathy. I was fine without it before and I'm without it now." I clenched and unclenched my fists impatiently.

He rolled his eyes. "Ok, I didn't want to apologize anyways."

I traced my finger along the glass, feeling horribly homesick. I wanted my castle and my grand bedroom and Arrow at my side. I wanted everything back. I hated restarting.

"How did you get her address anyways?" He asked.

"Magic." I said sarcastically, though it was true.

He scoffed. "No, really."

"Magic." I repeated more sternly.

"No, really, really. Did you follow her or something?" He continued to pester me.

I dragged a hand across my face. "You do not shut up, do you, kid? I first saw her and found her at her house. Happy?" Another lie.

Pine Tree bit his bottom lip. "Kay, kay."

I rolled my eye and waited for the drive to be over. I knew I was trying to befriend Pine Tree so I could perform my brilliant back-stabbing plan, but I was finding it harder and harder as time ticked on.

After what felt like hours, he finally pulled up in the driveway to his house and hopped out. Pine Tree seemed to be pissed and I knew I had to fix that or my plans would take longer than I wanted to come true. I stepped out of the car.

"Are your parents asleep yet?" I asked, standing by the car.

Pine Tree slipped the keys in his jean pocket. "No, they are in the living room watching TV. We have to-"

"Go over the wall, I know, I know." I grumbled. Without hesitation, I swung Pine Tree off of his feet so I could hold him, then set him atop the wall. I grabbed onto the top and hefted myself on top. I leapt down and marched off without Pine Tree to his back window.

He came running after me and made sure he got into his room first. I climbed in and, rather angrily, flopped on the floor. "There, I'm back. Now I can just wait needlessly for them to go to bed so I can sneak into the guest room when I could have been at Eleanor's."

Pine Tree rolled his eyes. "You're just going to have to be patient. I'm going to go out with my parents. You, stay here. Bye." His gaze was cold as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Finally being completely alone, I allowed my skin to burn bright red to the point my hair was flaming. I slammed my fist into the wall, in doing so, casting a spell for sound proof. "UGH!" I screamed and flipped Pine Tree's bed over. My entire body was steaming with the anger induced heat. "STUPID! PINE TREE!" I kicked my foot  into the wall at full force so a large gaping hole was left behind.

That was me throwing a tantrum.

After I finally managed to grab control of my temper, I used my magic and fixed the entire room and sat back down. Glad they all didn't come running in at once. I let out an angry groan and laid down on Pine Tree's bed as I waited.

Yeah, Pine Tree didn't want to see me throwing a tantrum.

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