Chapter 7

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Bill's POV

After Pine Tree had his little talk with Arrow, he began to walk away from the back with her. I bolted out and leapt onto the bean bag so it seemed like I hadn't been eavesdropping. I quickly teleported a book of a shelf and made it appear in my hands and opened to a random page.

They walked out, whispering to each other, and Arrow stiffened when she found me.

I looked up, smiling. "Hey!" I looked over to Pine Tree. "Hey, Dipper." I said, lowering my voice.

Pine Tree swallowed and took Arrow's hand. I was thinking some very horrible things towards them right now. "Hi." He said.

Arrow looked from Pine Tree to me. "Hi..." Her voice was very distrusting.

I stood up, throwing the book over my shoulder. "Is it time to go home?"

Shooting Star suddenly shouldered past me and stood next to Pine Tree who seemed immediately reassured by his sister's presence. "Yes. I think we got what we needed." Shooting Star had a bag slung on her shoulder, supposedly filled with books. I walked up, joining their line, but noticed the distance they kept from me. Oh well, who could blame them?

The entire walk back was an awkward silence, I could feel it weighing down on me. But I was fine with it. Arrow was on the other end of the little line we made, making it difficult to communicate with her. When we got back, there were two cars pulled into the drive way. I looked down at Shooting Star and she noticed it too.

"Oh, my parents are home..." She clasped her hands together. "Ok, Bill, you are going to have to sneak through Dipper's window in the back. Just climb over the fence, and sneak in."

I sighed angrily. "I don't really know how to do that." I said, just to be stubborn and annoying.

Shooting Star angrily stomped her foot. "Dipper, can you please go with him?" Her throat was tight.

Pine Tree momentarily hesitated, before sighing and obeying Shooting Star. She lead Arrow away to the front door while Pine Tree took me to the fence along the side of the house. Pine Tree watched them go in before turning to me. "Ok, climb up."

I glanced at myself and then to the wall which was only half a foot taller than me. "I'm afraid I can't. I wasn't one for 'roughing it.'"

Pine Tree exhaled deeply, obviously annoyed. "Can you try?"

I looked at him levelly.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. Fine." Pine Tree reluctantly walked up to me and put his arms out. "I'm going to try to hoist you up."

I almost laughed, but kept a straight face. "Go ahead, Pine Tree."

He raised an eyebrow at that last part and examined me, like he didn't even want to touch me. He grimaced and wrapped his arms around my waist, and tried to lift me up. My feet barely raised an inch of the ground before Pine Tree set me back down, gasping. "You're so heavy!" He tried to lift me up again, but I rolled my eye and swept him off of his feet.

Pine Tree cried out as I held him in my arms, bridal style, and I did not bother to smirk at how weak he was. He scrunched up, not looking me in the eye. I raised my arms and set him atop the wall. "There." I said.

Pine Tree shook his head, like he was shaking thoughts away, and breathed. "Ok? Now what?"

"Now hoist me up."

Pine Tree stood up and balanced himself on the wall and took my hands and pulled me up. I steadied myself on the cement wall and patted him on the back.

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