Chapter 49

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Bill's POV

Well, I guess I was going to go shopping with Ford. I never would have guessed that this was how the day was going to end up. The walk there was incredibly awkward, if I do say so myself, but I didn't bother showing my discomfort. Ford wasn't really the person I wanted to spend time alone with, but I guess I did need some time alone with him after all these years of being separated. Over thirty, to be exact. I couldn't help but still love his company.

We entered the store and I dragged him over to the suit aisle and began skimming the racks.

"Bill," Ford started off uncomfortably, "I really don't think a suit is necessary..."

I scoffed, proceeding to search. Shopping wasn't really my thing, but hey, I did have a great sense of style. "Please, Fordsy, if you're going to a fancy dinner, you need a nice suit. It's also a birthday dinner."

Ford brought a hand up and rubbed the back of his neck. I knew his place was down in a basement or a lab, running experiments and saving the world, leaping into the unknown with the supernatural submerging him... "I don't know, maybe I could just go in my sweater. It's...formal..."

I shot him a confused, yet equally amused, look. "Sixer, leave this to me. I'll make you look good."

Ford's gaze turned hard with embarrassment and he awkwardly glanced down at his six-fingered hands. "God..." he whispered. "Fine. I guess... Whatever you say, Bill."

After a moment of searching, I found a red tie, a black coat, matching pants and a white undershirt. "Perfect, Poindexter!" I shoved it to him. "Now go put it on and come out so I can look at you."

"You can drop this whole girly act, I'm not stupid." He muttered disrespectfully and I rolled my eye in turn.

"Oh, whatever, Brainiac. Just put it on."

Ford let out a heavy sigh and went to the dressing room to change.

I leaned up against the clothes rack, waiting for him to come out. I found it so easy to talk to Ford and hang around with him - especially after so much time of being his partner - and it made me have major nostalgia about the "good ol' days". Oh well. Ford had ruined my life enough times and it wasn't like I was fighting for his friendship. I wanted Pine Tree's friendship.

Ford emerged from the changing room and his ears were red as he fiddled with the suit, obviously not comfortable. "B-Bill, I don't th-think it''"

I chuckled. "Aw, come on, Smart-Guy, you look 'cute' as Shooting Star would say."

Ford flushed and then grew angry that he had gotten so easily embarrassed. "Bill, stop it."

I went up to him, fixing his tie and glanced up at him. It was so weird having him be so tall... "No. Looks perfect, IQ. Let's buy it."

Ford looked like he was about to throw a fit.

"What is it, Pal? It's just a suit." I laughed lightly and crossed my arms. "I wear one everyday."

Ford didn't respond and returned to the dressing room to take the suit off.

Sometimes Ford was so awkward yet somewhat adorable. What? Stop looking at me like that, reader. Yes, I know, I gotta go repair the fourth wall now... Sorry '=about that. It's easy to fix it with a little magic, yah know? Ahem... anyways...

Ford came back out with the suit slung on his arm. "Kay, Bill, you made me try on the suit. Let's just get home now."

I narrowed my eye. "Stanford, relax. It's not like we are in a huge hurry. Besides, I need to check up on Pine Tree when I get back... I usually never leave him for so long..." My thoughts began to wander off.

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