Chapter 17

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Bill's POV

It felt kind of strange being back in this room, I was comfortable in Pine Tree's room. Oh well.

I ended up falling asleep quickly, but my dreams were tormented. I was still getting used to the fact that I could dream too since I was human - it still weirded me out. I could never remember them and that was highly agitating.

I was suddenly shot out of my dream and shot up in bed, breathing hard. I saw someone, just a blur, fall off the bed in shock. I took a moment to breath, trying to grasp the flimsy remains of my dream, but it was already gone. I growled and crawled to the edge of the bed to see Pine Tree lying flat on his back on the ground, breathing rapidly.

"I-uh... Morning."

I narrowed my eye at him. "Why did you have to wake me up, Pine Tree? I'm trying to remember my dream."

"S-sorry. We're going to the park in a bit." He apologized and scooted back so he could sit up. "You scared the crap out of me man, I didn't expect you to sit up so fast."

I rolled my eye. "That's what happens when you disturb someone."

"Well, you were muttering and talking to yourself in your sleep and I just tapped your shoulder. It's not like I shook you like last night." Pine Tree fixed his shirt and sighed.

"Wait, what was I saying? Tell me." I leaned forward, gripping into the edge of the bed.

"Um...I-I don't know."

I glared at him. "Are you lying?"


"Then why are you stuttering."

"Because I'm not comfortable being alone with you, that's why." He stood up to his feet and took a step back.

I sighed, annoyed. "Do you have clothes I can borrow? I am starting to hate this flannel stuff."

"You can just-"

"Pine Tree. Come on." I growled.

He muttered some disrespectful words to himself and left to get me some new clothes.

I sighed and sat cross legged on the bed and tried to recall my dream, but it was all hazy and dark. Every time I almost grasped a memory, it'd slip away. Was it like this for all humans?

Moments later, he returned with a white t-shirt. "Here, you can keep on those jeans."

I sighed. "Do you kids wear anything besides jeans?" I growled.

"Nope." He chuckled and walked out while I took off the flannel shirt and slipped on the white one. Both of their parents, thankfully, were at work today, so I didn't have to sneak around. I walked out and over the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and took a moment to look in the mirror.

I never really had studied my own reflection, and my reflection - surprisingly still - looked like a stranger. I ran my fingers across my face and through my hair. I examined my teeth and my eye. "So weird..." I whispered.

The door swung open and slammed into my hip. I gasped and I slipped and fell down onto the bathroom floor.

Pine Tree looked around the door and laughed. "Ha, sorry, I didn't know anybody was in here."

I glared up at him. "Thanks." I got up and brushed myself off and awkwardly pulled at the white shirt. I gave one last look at myself in the mirror and swallowed. It's not like I missed my natural form, just being human was still so bizarre.

"What you staring at?" Pine Tree asked, breaking the silence.

I looked at Pine Tree in the mirror and I noticed that even still, Pine Tree looked more human than I did. I guess I'd always be a demon anyways. "N-nothing." I stammered and exited the bathroom.

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