Chapter 41

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Bill's POV

I made sure that I led Pine Tree to his room and locked the door behind us so no one could get in. I shoved him over to his bed and waited to make sure no one tried to open the door.


I sighed angrily. "Good."

"Bill, can you tell me what's going on? Can you unlock my door?" His tone sounded slightly panicked.

"No, I can't. Your parents are horrible." I glared at his bedroom door, refusing to move. "They can't come in."

Pine Tree got to his feet and walked over to me. "Bill, let me-"

"No! I have to protect you!" I exclaimed and pushed him back so he fell onto his bed.

"What's gotten into you? Why do you suddenly act like you owe a life debt to me or something?!" He swallowed, gripping tightly onto his bed sheets.

Because I can't loose another real friend. I didn't want it to happen again. I had already ruined my chances with Ford. In truth, I missed him a lot. He was my best friend. I guess Pine Tree reminded me a lot of him and that made me want to remain his friend even more. "I have too, Pine Tree." I turned towards him, desperate. "Your parents are ashamed of you! They want us split apart! That'll practically destroy my plans!" I didn't add the whole friendship part to it.

"They aren't...ashamed." He said doubtfully and scratched his arm.

"I listened to them, Pine Tree! I heard it myself! Especially from your dad!" I crossed my arms, awaiting a response.

He shook his head, refusing to believe it. "No, no, they accept my choice." He tensed up. "Not that it was really my choice."

An overwhelming feeling of rage suddenly blasted through me and my skin altered to bright red. "NO! YOU'RE WRONG! I'LL SHOW YOU!"

Pine Tree watched me in horror, his mouth gaping open in a terrified frown. "B-Bill! Calm down!"

I used my magic, making him slide over and I gripped tightly onto his wrist as I pulled him out of his room and marched back down to his parents room. "Vanessa! Keith!" I screamed at them, forcing my skin to revert back.

Pine Tree saw the wild and defensive look in my eye and he was terrified. "Bill don't-"

"Watch this!" I pulled him towards me, kissing him passionately on the lips, pulling him up against me. I held the back of his head so he couldn't break away.

I saw them both go white as ghosts before I closed my eye and I held him against me, securing his hands so he couldn't run away.

I could hear his thoughts saying, "NO! NO! NOT IN FRONT OF MY PARENTS! BILL STOP!"

I finally pulled away, exhaling and shot them a nasty glare. "How was that for a show? Go ahead. Tell your son you hate him and you're disgusted! Go ahead! It'll only crush him!"

Vanessa look mortified and looked away while Keith was simply enraged.

"Why would you do that to our son?!" He exclaimed, furious. "You're just using him, you filthy piece of-"


Keith broke off abruptly, shocked Pine Tree had spoken.

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