Chapter 9

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Bill's POV

Dammit Shooting Star. She was too clever.

She decided to tie my wrists to Pine Tree's bed post as a 'trust test' to see if I could be alone in here without wreaking havoc. I think it actually is a 'patients test' more than a 'trust test'. There goes my devious plans for today.

She had taken Pine Tree out of the room for a bit, leaving me to seethe in my anger while they were gone. I tried to pull at the ropes like a normal human since me using my magic on the ropes would be painfully obvious. Shooting Star came back in, looking smug with Pine Tree - looking more confident - following behind her.

"So," she started, "I might as well tell you what I'm doing."

I glanced at my wrists angrily and how I was having to awkwardly sit on the ground. "Oh, please do. I'm dying to know."

She ignored my sarcasm. "I'm seeing if you can control yourself with Dipper around. I know how you like trying to jeopardize his life and stuff - a couple hours is all I need to know - so I'm seeing if I can trust you. And don't think I'm leaving Dipper unguarded. He can just text me on his phone for me to come back and then you are in the dog house for sure. Who knows, you could stay in the backyard instead."

I glared at her irately. I had to admit, this was a pretty twisted plan she had evoked. We could have been great partners in crime. Oh well, that ship had sailed long ago. "Fine. Let's see if this little sneaky plan of yours works, Mabel."

She nodded, obviously pleased about how she set everything up. Why did she have to care for her brother and his safety so much? But, I assumed Pine Tree would do the same for her. I sighed angrily.

"You can just hang in here, bro bro. I'm going to hang out with Hazel." She waved. "Text me as soon as something goes wrong. I will open a portal or fly here - whatever it takes."

Oh, Shooting Star. So incompetent on what she had just said.... So much irony.

Pine Tree hadn't really looked at me since he had entered. Maybe this was Shooting Star's way of telling Pine Tree he could get the upper hand at any time, it just had to be exploited? Who knew?

She hugged him quickly and ran out, closing the door behind her.

As soon as she was gone I turned to him awkwardly on the floor. "She must really trust me to leave you alone with me."

"I wouldn't think so." He said dully, gesturing to the ropes tying me down.

I let out a long sigh. "This is so boring. I came here for love, not to be tied to a twelve year-old's bed."

Pine Tree looked shocked and offended. "I-uh, excuse me? I'm not twelve. I'm fourteen."

"Same difference." I grumbled. "I was twelve before your God was created."

Pine Tree made a what-the-heck face at that comment, seriously doubting it. "Yeah, sure." He walked up to his bed and flopped down comfortably and drew out his phone.

I looked over my shoulder, my muscles straining against the motion. "What do you people find so fascinating about black rectangles? Yellow triangles are way better." I chuckled at my joke, but he didn't get it. 

"They're called phones, genius." Pine Tree corrected me without looking up. "You act like you're from another planet."

I rolled my eye. "What's the purpose of them?"

"Don't you have a phone?"

I suddenly remembered when I was studying TV's so I could watch Titanic with Arrow, that it mentioned these I-Phone things. I guess that most teens had these phones. I turned to my bound hands and used my body as a shield and let the magic spark off my fingers. A phone - an exact replica of Pine Tree's - appeared in my hand. "Yeah! I do!" I waved it awkwardly around.

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