Chapter 33

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Bill's POV

I made sure to take Pine Tree all the way across the beach, far away from the bullies. I mean, it wasn't like I was protecting him or anything, I wanted to actually have a good time today.

"Bill..." Pine Tree said. He was sitting on the sand with his legs crossed and was tracing his fingers in the wet sand. He had been quiet for a while and I had just sat beside him, mute as well.


"Thanks for doing that."

I clenched my jaw, feeling anger at the good deed I had committed. "Forget about it. Don't expect me to be kind to you forever, kid. You just got lucky..." I closed my eye, sighing.

"You punched him in the face, I'm not gonna forget that." He breathed softly.

I shot Pine Tree a glare. He was making it really hard to hate him, right now. "I only reacted how any other human would."

Pine Tree let out a huff of laughter and stopped playing in the sand and leaned back on the sand, stretching out. "Maybe you do actually like me and you're not acting."

I felt blush gather in my cheeks but I shook my head, feeling angry straight after that. "NO!" I screamed. "I do NOT!"

Pine Tree glanced at me, amused. "I'm just joking, jeez."

I exhaled hotly. "Fine." I crossed my arms. "I'd think so. I am here to torture you!"

Pine Tree rolled his eyes back. "Right... You don't seem to be torturing me right now..."

"Yes I am. I'm pretending to be your fake boyfriend." I spat, annoyed. He was starting to get on my nerves.

Pine Tree scoffed. "But no one else knows that. We're just sitting here chilling in the sun."

I glanced away. He was right. I wasn't really pulling off a convincing act... I thought to myself. What to do...? I had told myself to wait till tomorrow to start up, but how about proving myself that I wasn't going soft? Yeah. It wouldn't be too harsh of a punishment. "You really think so?"

Pine Tree had his eyes closed now and his arms behind his head. "Mhm."

I smirked. "Do I need to be more convincing?"

"Well, may-" he broke off and cracked open one eye to look at me. "What are you getting at?"

The smirk on my face grew.

His eye widened. "Bill. No. Let a man have his peace for once." He exhaled softly.

"You said it yourself..." I breathed and laid on my side right next to him.

Pine Tree looked over at me with half open eyes. "Please, just let me sleep. You don't need to constantly be lying to random strangers."

"Yes I do." I growled.

"But you haven't." Pine Tree chuckled.

I felt my face grow hot with anger. I looked over my shoulder to see a random women sitting on a beach towel reading book. "Hey, lady!" I called.

She looked up from her book, surprised.

I moved out of the way, so she could see Pine Tree as well. "Isn't my boyfriend adorable?!"

Pine Tree shot up, eyes wide. "What?! No-"

I turned my head around, reminding him he still had to fake with me.

Annoyance filled up his gaze.

The lady smiled awkwardly. "Uh...yes...?"

I pulled Pine Tree into a hug. "He's adorable to me!"

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