Chapter 8

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Bill's POV

Shooting Star's words hurt a little. I still refused to believe that Arrow would never change her mind about me. What Shooting Star said about Pine Tree was only half true. The trophy incident was on purpose when I dropped it down the side of the bed, but the rest...not really. I'm a demon, revenge is a demon's middle name. I sat up stiffly and looked down at Pine Tree's bed and stepped off and used my magic to mend the trophy and clean everything up.

I couldn't exit his room, because of his parents. I did want to just give up and leave, but I was too stubborn and persistent. After what felt like hours of lying curled up in Pine Tree's bed, the door reopened and all three of them stepped in. They all had different facial expressions. Arrow's was full of hatred and disgust, Shooting Star's was absolutely furious, and Pine Tree's was the only one nonthreatening: utter embarrassment. I used my arms has a head rest up on his pillow. "You look like you are all about to perform a depressing play."

Pine Tree looked down at his feet while the girls held their ground.

"We are going to set some ground rules." Shooting Star said sternly.

I looked at her through my lowered eyelid. "Oh?"

Arrow seemed reluctant to speak. "You are going to have to follow these rules or you're being kicked out."

I felt my heart flutter at the sound of her voice, but it was shattering my heart as well, the sound of hatred hidden in it too.

Shooting Star took a deep breath. "Rule number one: no doing that type of stuff to my brother."

I chuckled and glanced at him and he looked away quickly. I have a feeling that rule will be broken...

"Rule number two," Arrow said, "you aren't allowed to do what you did to me in the library."

"You are making me sound like a scandalous player..." I said thoughtfully, and also slightly offended.

"Maybe 'cause you are." Pine Tree muttered, but I heard him.

"Rule number three," Shooting Star said, stepping in front of Pine Tree, "you cannot cause any problems between Eleanor and Dipper, or me, for that matter."

Arrow spoke up. "Rule number five, if we tell you to do or not do something, you listen to us instead of ignoring us - like you've been showing us you do frequently."

The two girls nodded and Shooting Star moved Pine Tree in the middle so he could hold Arrow's hand.

I grew instantly jealous. "And you - what? - expect me to obey these rules. Bill Cipher doesn't obey rules, he makes others obey him." I couldn't help but smirk at Pine Tree for a moment after saying that. I sat up and crossed my legs on his bed. "I do find it hard to follow rules - if you knew me before you would completely agree."

"Well, you're going to have to adjust to this." Arrow said tartly.

"Oh, I don't know, Eleanor. I'm that type of person who'd, let's say, bring about the apocalypse because I got bored." A small smile spread across my face at that irony. But they didn't get the joke.

Arrow rolled her eyes. "Bill, you just have to put up with it for us."

Her saying my name, just damn.

"Don't you think your parents will get suspicious about someone else being here?" I asked.

Shooting Star shook her head. "As long as we're careful, they won't know."

I was about to ask them what our cover story would be, but Arrow interrupted me before I could speak. "See, I don't know what your deal is with me, but that crap is coming to a stop."

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