Chapter 44

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Bill's POV

The other three, unfamiliar voices unnerved me. They sounded authoritative and intimidating. All I knew is that they weren't right.

Pine Tree looked at me confused. "Why would they bring company over all of a sudden?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Who is it?"

Pine Tree cautiously snuck up to the door and cracked it open, peering out of the room. There was a moment where nothing happened, but then he suddenly went ridged and quickly but quietly closed the door. He whipped around, white faced. "The cops are here."

Shooting Star and I both gasped.

"What?!" She exclaimed, but then lowered her voice. "Why are they here?"

"They are probably trying to get rid of Bill." Pine Tree looked over at me and I saw real fear in his eyes. He didn't want me to go.

I ignored the feeling in chest when I realized that. "What am I going to do?" I couldn't just teleport out of here, Shooting Star couldn't know my secret.

"Hide!" Pine Tree whisper screamed.

"Where?" I hissed. "I can't just crawl underneath your bed."

"Go through my window, get on the roof and just stay there for a while." Pine Tree looked over his shoulder quickly. "I have no idea if there are cops in front, but I'm not taking any chances."

I nodded and backed far away from the door and over to his window. I gripped onto the bottom and slid it up, hopping into his backyard.

Before Pine Tree closed it he whispered, "be careful," and he drew it down, leaving it cracked open, if he had to call for me, and ushered me to leave.

I leaped up, grabbing onto the edge of the slanted roof and hoisted myself up and laid on my stomach, breathing hard.

In his bedroom, the door opened up, and Keith stepped into Pine Tree's room.

"Hey Dad," he said as casually as he could, "is something up?" He and Shooting Star were sitting on his bed, acting like they had been talking.

Keith closed the door behind him, his mood dark. "Where is Bill?" He said my name with much distaste.

Pine Tree shrugged. "I don't know, I think he went out or something." After all this time, he had gotten used to lying and was quite a perfectionist.

Keith narrowed his eyes at him and looked over to his twin. "Mabel?" He asked.

She shrugged as well. "Why would I know?"

Keith walked up to them, glaring furiously. "I know you are lying, especially you, Dipper."

Pine Tree returned his glare. "What makes you say that?"

"Where is he?!" He exclaimed. "We did not agree to house this beggar and we don't deserve to be threatened by him. He's being taken into custody until further notice."

"WHAT?!" Pine Tree leaped to his feet, eyes wide and frightful. "You can't do that! I'm fine with keeping him here and he only threatened you because you are ungrateful and cruel!"

Keith's eyes were like daggers. "I don't need my naive son shaming our family name! You really think I want the name 'Pines' to go extinct because you can't choose a female partner?!"

I knew it was all an act that Pine Tree and I were pulling, but tears welled up in Pine Tree's eyes. Pine Tree never knew this side of his father.

"How can you say that?!" He screamed.

Shooting Star sat on his bed, mortified and watched her dad in horror.

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