Chapter 37

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Bill's POV

When we finally returned home, I had trouble registering what had just happened only a few moments ago.

I was finally starting to realize that my mission to win Arrow may be hopeless, and Pine Tree willingly said he'd help me, and both of us seemed to be better friends than Arrow and I were.

What was happening...? This wasn't what I planned. Maybe I was becoming more human than I realized.

The entire walk home Pine Tree had his arm around me reassuringly as I remained mute, watching the ground and we lumbered back. I never pictured myself in that situation.

Pine Tree finally walked me up to the front door and exhaled deeply. "Are you ok?" He practically whispered.

I glanced away, not answering.

Pine Tree sighed and opened the door, leading me inside.

I silently thanked goodness that no one was out to see me walk in like this. I brushed my hair back, my thoughts scrambled and utterly confused. What is happening to me? "Can you take me to your room?" I asked quietly.

Pine Tree nodded, for the first time without hesitation.

I walked across the house and when I entered his room I laid myself down on his bed and stared at the roof. "Do you know what's going on?" I whispered.

Pine Tree sat down at the edge of the bed, swallowing nervously. "No...not really."

I closed my eye, not even feeling the correct emotions right now. All my feelings were tangled up in a huge mess. "I don't either." I tried to reach deep into my mind. How was it that Pine Tree and I ended up being friends even though I was his mortal enemy?

Mortal enemies aren't friends. That's never the-

I suddenly jolted, my eye reopening wide at the horrifying realization. My arms began to tremble. It's happening again.

Pine Tree noticed and looked over at me. "What? What's it now?"

No, I can't be friends with him. I brought my hands up to my head, feeling terrified. This was one way to prove history had a way of repeating itself. It was happening right now. No. Pine Tree would never know. Never.

"Bill?" He said a little more annoyed. "You gotta start speaking with me."

"It's...nothing. I just realized something." I looked over at him and I kept thinking about it. But why Pine Tree? Why him? Why not someone more sensible? If history were to repeat itself, why not it be with someone else? No. I wouldn't let that happen. But it is already happening... I shook my head and leaned up. "Pine Tree," I breathed softly and he looked over at me, his brown eyes expectant as he waited for me to speak, "you know I never really had friends before. I had creatures who worked for me, but they weren't my friends..."

I brought my knees up and hugged them. "I only had one friend before..."

Pine Tree thought before speaking. "Was it...Ford?"

I lowered my eye lid, frowning. "Yeah." I didn't feel like living at the moment. If Arrow wasn't with me then what was the point? I needed her to be the air I breath and the skies I see and ground I walk upon. She was my everything. I needed her to be my everything. "I really need a friend." It came out more as a whimper - a plea - than a statement.

Pine Tree's eyes were full of pity. "I'll be your friend, Bill."

But you can't. I thought. Or else it'll all happen again. I can't. But instead of saying that, I said, "Are you sure?"

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