Chapter 2

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Bill's POV

I guess I should have considered myself stupid for thinking that it would be this easy in finding Arrow and reuniting instantaneously. I could not believe that Pine Tree and Arrow had gone together and were 'boyfriend and girlfriend.' It was sickening. I had made sure to steal Pine Tree's stupid address so I could track down his house and find where he lived. I was going to have to deliver a message he'd never forget.

I teleported down to the destination somewhere in the neighborhood. After scanning many addresses upon the houses, I found the one. I leapt with joy and raced up to the front door. I suddenly felt nervous, running into Pine Tree again. After I killed him and almost lost Arrow forever - before then, Pine Tree and I could have been...companions and he could have been a great assistant. I shook my head. No. Dream Demons shouldn't be nervous. I knocked on the door and waited anxiously.

After a moment, the door swung open and there he stood. Pine Tree, fourteen years old, going on fifteen, and certainly taller than the last time I had seen him. Pine Tree tilted his head back slightly to see me eye to eye. "Um...hello?"

"Pine Tree."  I growled enraged. "You are with Arrow - I mean, Eleanor, right?" I took all my strength to not slam him into the Earth's core.

Pine Tree muttered the word 'Pine Tree' to himself in confusion before looking back to me. "Um, yeah..."

I clenched my fists and growled low in my throat. "Well, you can't be with her any longer 'cause she's mine."

Pine Tree's eyes widened. "What? No, we've been together for over two years, where have you been? And who are you, exactly?"

I restrained myself from punching him in the face. "Two whole years, huh?" I could feel my arms trembling. "Look, Pine Tree, you must not understand we have a history together?"

Pine Tree went white. " have a history...? What's that supposed to mean?"

I smirked, fixing my bow-tie and took a deep breath. "I think you know exactly what that means, kid."

Pine Tree averted his eyes from mine. "I-uh... I don't know what you mean by that, whoever you are."

I rolled my eye and sighed. "Do I really need to spell it out for you?"

Pine Tree flushed. "Are you an ex?"

My skin slightly turned red with anger. "No. She never broke up with me - its complicated. I just need to have her for a while so I can conjure her memories back up."

Pine Tree gasped. "No! She's my girlfriend, not yours! I don't even know who you are!"

I cocked my head to the side. "Do you not remember me from you summer visit two years ago?"

Pine Tree blinked confused. "Are you talking about my trip to Oregon? I didn't meet anyone there, except Wendy and Soos... It was the most boring summer of my life." He suddenly stiffened. " did you know about my trip?"

I looked around frantically. "What?! I'm Bill! Bill Cipher! Do you remember now?!"

Pine Tree shook his head nervously.

"What?!?! I was in that stupid journal, kid! How could you forget about me and how crazy your summer was!" I stepped forward and he stepped back.

"What journal are you talking about? I never found a journal..." Pine Tree swallowed hard and tried to close the door, but I snatched his wrists and held them tightly and Pine Tree's eyes flashed with immediate panic.

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