Chapter 10

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Bill's POV

For about an hour, Pine Tree was telling me everything he knew about phones. I'll be honest, I wasn't giving humans that much credit. I'm sorry humans. You are a lot smarter than I thought.

"So," I was saying, "what is calling again?"

Pine Tree let out a long groan. "My God- we went over this. It's to talk to someone through the phone. Watch." Pine Tree tapped on his phone for a bit and then held it to his ear.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I jumped, but picked it up and pressed the green answer button and brought it to my mouth. "Hello...?"

My voice came out faintly through Pine Tree's phone.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed.

"Put it to your ear." Pine Tree instructed.

I put it to my ear like he did.

"Hi," Pine Tree's voice came out through the phone into my ear.

"Wow..." I breathed softly. "Hi?"

Pine Tree laughed and ended the call. "See? That's how they work."

I was absolutely fascinated. "These are incredible." I said in awe.

"Were you a recluse or something? How do you not know about all of this stuff?"

I sighed, annoyed. "I'm not really interested in this centuries trending items..."

He finally gave up and shrugged. "I'm just curious - if you hate us (me in general) why do you stick around? Why don't you just leave?"

I looked away. Because I'm not done ruining your life.... I thought, but I didn't say that. Instead I said, "I don't have anything else to do."

Pine Tree didn't look convinced. "What about your family?"

I tensed up and looked him dead in the eyes. His eyes widened and I could see my entire human reflection in them. "I don't talk about my family," I growled, "let's pretend I don't have one."

Pine Tree broke my stare and fiddled with his phone. "Oh...sorry."

I swallowed and leaned back on his pillow, not interested in phones anymore. Bill Cipher doesn't talk about family. I told myself. He doesn't have one. There was a long silence before we spoke again.

"I'll be honest, Bill," Pine Tree started, "right now, you're acting a lot better than I think you are. Like you are actually nice. Maybe I miss judged you - but only a little bit."

I let out a huff of laughter. "Don't get in over your head, kid."

"Stop calling me, kid." Pine Tree said, ignoring my vague warning.

"I can call you 'kid'. I'm older than you."

"By three years." Pine Tree continued.

I burst out laughing, forgetting to fake it out. "You crack me up, kid."

Pine Tree glared at me and I smirked. "But you are three years older than me."

I rolled my eye and turned on my side, facing the wall. "Yeah.."

In the distance, Pine Tree and I heard the front door open up. Pine Tree went ridged. "Quick! I gotta tie you back up, or she'll be pissed."


"Just do it!" Pine Tree ordered me.

I sat up and tumbled over Pine Tree. Pine Tree scrambled to his feet and slipped off the bed, landing beside me. I tried to help him up and took his hand to pull him up, but he slapped my hand away.

"No." He said sternly, but then went back to panic. He shoved me over to his bed post and that didn't help in the slightest since it only made me topple onto my back.

"Are you kidding me Pine Tree?" I growled, looking up at him.

Pine Tree walked over on his knees and went to grab the rope when the door opened up. We both looked towards the door and Shooting Star stepped in.

She opened her mouth to speak, but cut herself off as she saw us on the floor. Her face turned red with anger. "Dipper!" She screamed.

Pine Tree flushed in embarrassment at being caught and looked down shamefully.

Shooting Star marched over. "Why did you untie him?! You want him to do that stuff to you?!"

Pine Tree couldn't meet her gaze.

"I thought that-"

"Mabel." I interrupted her.

She blinked, surprised.

"I found a way to untie myself and Dipper was trying to me back up." I lied.

Shooting Star seemed confused and looked back and forth between us. "Did he just...defend you?"

Pine Tree seemed at a loss for words so he just nodded slightly.

"Oh..." Shooting Star's shoulders sagged. "I guess..." She continued to face Pine Tree. "I'm sorry I just assumed that, Dip." She crouched down next to him and Pine Tree played along with it.

"It's fine, Mabel." Pine Tree looked towards me and smiled a small smile. "Thanks for, uh, defending me."

I shrugged. "It was the truth." I had no idea what had come over me to defend him, I usually would have loved to see him suffer. What was worse is that I had lied for his safety. Dammit. I was trying to ruin Pine Tree's life, not fix it. Oh well, maybe this helped gain some more of his trust...?

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