Chapter 53

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Bill's POV

I woke up the next morning, and this time when I found myself yet again wrapped around Pine Tree it wasn't too horrifying. But I still wanted to slap myself. I sighed, realizing I was developing a habit, and took my arms and legs off from around him and scooted back.

Pine Tree only slightly stirred and mumbled to himself.

I looked at him fondly before growling and getting pissed off. I had to set myself straight. This was ridiculous. I leaped over him and landed lightly on the floor and made sure not to wake him. I looked over my shoulder to see his face, calm, relaxed, and asleep. He was so cute... BILL STOP IT, WHAT THE HELL?!  I shook my head and sneaked out of his room and closed the door silently behind me.

I turned around and saw Ford. "Oh my gosh..." I groaned, noticing that this was happening very often now.

"What? What did I do?" He said as he held his cup of coffee.

"Nothing..." I grumbled and walked out towards the kitchen.

"Can you tell me what happened now?" Ford pried.

"No." I responded blandly and flopped down onto one of the table chairs.

Ford sighed heavily and took a long, slow sip of his coffee.

I tried to think about this long term. I didn't want to be with Pine Tree, but I did at the same time. But then I wanted to be with Arrow. I wanted them both. Oh gosh, this was torturous. I decided to ask.

"Ford, can one guy have sex with another guy?"

Ford spit out his coffee and practically fell over coughing his lungs out and when he finally got his breath he stood straight up, white faced and mortified. "What did you just ask me?"

"You heard me."

Ford then blushed scarlet. "I-I... I really..." He pulled at his red sweater, sweating nervously.

I cocked my head to the side.

"I am not talking about this. For Christ's sake..."

I pondered on that.

"Why are you even...asking?" Ford swallowed and his gaze darted around, looking anywhere but me.

"Well, I'm just trying to figure some things out, Sixer."

Ford said some uncomplimentary things under his breath before turning and walking into the kitchen without another word.

I shrugged and rolled my eye and that's when I heard a knock on the door. I stood up, walking over, half expecting one of Shooting Star's bubbly friends to be standing there. I opened it and was taken so off guard that I choked.

Arrow stood there awkwardly and brushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Hey, Bill."

My thoughts were tossed into utter turmoil and I now had no idea what to think. "Ar- Eleanor. You-you're..."

She chuckled uncomfortably. "Look, Bill. Yesterday, at the café, I really want to apologize about that. I shouldn't have reacted like that to you. It was horribly rude. You said you wanted to talk...well, we can talk. I'll let you talk, ok? I'm sorry."

I feared that she could hear the beating of my heart. "'re here..." I was still in shock. After last night I thought I'd never see her again.

She smiled and laughed. "Yeah, I know."

I looked over my shoulder and saw Ford watching me and Arrow, who he had never seen her until now, with intense focus.

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