Chapter 52

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Bill's POV

When I ran away, I didn't go back to be driven home. I needed a little time to myself and think about that one event. They ended up not finding me and they all left. I had no idea what they were saying, thinking or feeling, but they left. Even Pine Tree. Part of me was hurt, but I wanted to be alone, so I shouldn't be complaining.

I walked down along the sidewalk to his house now that it was near 9:30PM. It was so dark out that I could barely see and I didn't feel like using my magic to teleport or light my way. I just wanted to walk like a human, see like a human and feel like one. And even still, I hadn't found a way to feel pain. I just couldn't feel it. All I felt were emotions; so basically I only felt emotional pain and that wasn't good enough for me.

I looked up at the sky and all I saw were stars. And instead of seeing the sky, I kept seeing his eyes and the way he looked at me. I saw the stars in his eyes and I saw his eyes in the stars. He was everywhere. I buried my face in my hands shamefully and I felt like crying and screaming. I had screwed up big time. I wasn't meant to feel this way to him. I was supposed to win back Arrow. I had gone so off track and I had barely noticed it, and look where that got me...

I was supposed to be a demon. I barely was one anymore.

After a long hour of walking in the complete darkness, trying to make myself snap out of it and get on the right path again, I made it back to his house. I lumbered up the drive way to the front door and opened up the door, stepping in. As soon as I entered I ran right into Ford.

Ford looked up at me, completely shocked. "Bill? Where have you been?!" He didn't actually scream at me, it was more of a whisper since I assumed everyone else was trying to sleep. But it wasn't even that late, or to me at least.

"I...I went on a walk..." I lowered my gaze and shoved my hands in my pant pockets.

"You are a wreck, what happened?" Ford seemed genuinely concerned and it was annoying.

"Nothing." I spat.

Ford glared at me. "Bill, Dipper was worrying his head off and about had a panic attack since we couldn't find you and we made him leave."

I looked up. "Really?"

He nodded. "Can you tell me what happened, you just seem so God-awful."

I growled. "I'm fine. Something happened and I needed to be alone, ok?"

"Was it with Dipper?" Ford asked quietly.

"Did I say anything about Pine Tree?!" I exclaimed irritably.

Ford seemed baffled by my hostility.

As soon as I screamed that, Pine Tree's door flung open and he raced out and saw me. "Bill!" He cried and bolted straight up to me. "Wh-where were you?!"

I tried to back away from him, not wanting him near me. "I went for a walk."

Worry clouded his gaze and he was shaking from paranoia. "I.... We need to talk."

Ford took the hint and left, going into the guest room, which was his temporary room.

Pine Tree yanked me off to his room and closed the door, then faced me.

I stared at him in the darkness of his non-illuminated room. For a moment, we only stared, as if we were running this, and the event that happened, through our heads and we were just now trying to registered it. There was utter silence and I started to grow anxious as my thoughts started to awaken and swirl around my head and I was horrified at what I was thinking. I wanted to stop thinking. But I also wanted to hear what Pine Tree was thinking...

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