Chapter 56

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Dipper's POV

I was a complete wreck. I was sobbing my eyes out on my bed and I would go through fits of rage where I'd throw stuff at my walls and tear off my sheets and scream, and then I would cry again. I was shocked that I was caught off guard by Bill's betrayal. I should have been obvious. But when he looked at me yesterday and told me he saw the stars in my eyes and kissed me like there was no end, I believed it.

But it was to only to lead me astray. And it worked.

I was now lying in my bed, tangled up in my blankets, alone and cold and red eyed, when the door opened up. I looked up, trying to stop crying then and there, but I didn't have enough time.

Great Uncle Ford stood in the doorway looking somber and defeated. There was no light in my room so when he shut then door, everything turned gray. "Dipper...are you ok...?"

I opened my mouth to say, "yes, I'm fine, it's nothing," when I suddenly started crying once again uncontrollably.

Ford hurried over to me and sat down on my bed, encircling his arms around me in a hug.

I managed to wrap my arms around him and cried into his shoulder. I trusted Bill. I trusted him. "F-Ford... I-I don't know why-"

"Shush..." He whispered quietly and he sighed. "It's ok. Tell me when you can."

He allowed me a couple minutes to myself, him hugging me and rubbing my back while I sobbed. I leaned back finally, sniffling. "Ford... Do you know what h-happened?"

Ford studied me carefully, a frown deeply engraved in his face. "No, but I'm somewhat assuming."

"Bill...he..." I trailed off and was trembling. "Bill broke up with me." He had told me I couldn't tell anyone about the deal, even afterwards, and I knew that if I did he'd hurt me or my family. "He said it was for the best since he wasn't a good person...and how it was ruining my life by me being-" I squeezed my eyes shut, not being able to bear the pain and talk about it.

Ford rubbed my shoulder. "It's fine, Dipper. You don't have to explain. I understand."

I shrugged him off, sniffing. "Yeah right. Have you even ever been in love?"

Ford flinched back as if my question caught him completely off guard and when I met his gaze, he seemed seriously embarrassed. "Well, uh, you know... No." He finally managed to say and he swallowed, running his six-fingered hand through his hair.

"See, you wouldn't understand."

Ford sighed, annoyed. "Dipper, don't turn this sadness into anger. Besides, I used... I used to be really good friends with Bill back when we were working on our project. Bill isn't a good person. He isn't a person at all."

I clenched my hands into fists as my gaze hardened and grew sharper with rage. "Ford, can I tell you something?"

He straightened up, waiting. "Of course."

I exhaled softly and glanced away. "A while back me and Bill had a fight and Bill was begging to stay my friend. I was pissed off and I wasn't going to have it. He... Bill was hugging onto me and said, 'Ford, I can't loose you again, I love you,'" I closed my eyes before I turned back to Ford.

His eyes were as big as saucers.

"Did you ever once love Bill?"

Ford's face turned bright red and he stood up from my bed. "Honestly, Dipper, Bill is just confused because he's human. He's not used to emotions and the human body or hormones. What he's saying is all a bunch of gibberish." His eyes grew dark. "I'll be in the living room if you need me." And Ford left me alone in my dark room.

I stared at the door, baffled by Ford's reaction, before I laid back down. I didn't get to lye down for five seconds before the door reopened.

I wasn't surprised to see Mabel walk in. "Bro Bro, are you ok?!" She ran up to me and leaped onto my bed, hugging me tightly. "Ford said that you might need some sisterly advice!"

I pulled away, my breath hitching momentarily as the remnants of my sobbing began to wear off. "Bill broke up with me..."

Mabel's eyes went from shocked to furious in 0.2 seconds. "Why that little-"

"Mabel, calm down... It's for the best." I explained before she ran out with a machete. "I just.... I just didn't expect it."

"That jerk! Why'd he do that?! I thought he loved you?!" Mabel cried, clearly fuming.

"He did. That's why he left. I was being teased for being gay, my own parents hated me, Bill realized he was a bad influence. It's better this way."

Mabel didn't follow. "I need to talk to him!"

"No! DON'T! I don't even know where he is!" I shouted and held Mabel down. "I don't want to see him again. It's better this way."

Mabel narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. "I don't like him hurting you, Dip-Dop."

"Mabel, let it go. It's alright." But it wasn't, honestly.

"Can I see your phone for a sec?" She asked suddenly and I flinched back. "Uh...why-"

She took it out of my hand and unlocked it, her thumbs racing over the screen. She hummed as she did it and then shoved the phone back into my hand, up by my ear. I had an incredibly unsettling feeling about who she was calling.

The person picked up.

"Pine Tree.... W-why are you calling me?"

He sounded like he had been... No... Bill never cried.

"Mabel's making me." I explained and each word he said hurt like a knife to the heart.

"Well, hang up, I forgot how to end a call on this Me-Phone."

I felt myself want to smile, but I restrained it. "Bill, where are you?"

There was a long pause before he answered. "I'm going to Arrow's house."

My heart lurched and I immediately stopped the pain inside of me. "O-oh..."

"Look, Dipper, it's over. Forget about it. I left you..."

"But you kissed me right before you left!" I screamed and Mabel watched me intently.

"Doesn't that have an explanation within itself?!" Bill cried. "Forget it, I figured out how to end a call. Good bye Pine Tree. Ok? No more us."

Bill hung up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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