Chapter 6

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Bill's POV

I didn't bother leaving that aisle, because I just ended up standing there, regretting how I acted. Of course Arrow wasn't used to my sudden forward outbursts - she 'had no idea who I was' right now. I would have to be more careful now.

I leaned up, holding my stomach gently, when someone grabbed the collar and slammed me back, pinning me against the wall. I let out a gasp and looked down at the someone. Pine Tree.... I thought in agitation.

His face was full of rage. "What the heck are you doing?!" He screamed.

I looked down at him, holding me against the wall so I couldn't move, his face inches from mine. "Wow, Dipper, so forward..." I joked and saw him flush in embarrassment, but it only made him angrier.

"Ella told me what you did! You really think that she's going to let you use her as a doormat and walk all over her?! No! You need to stay away, man!"

I growled low in my throat. "You just don't get it that you have no idea what I've been going through. You need to back off."

Pine Tree clenched his fists tighter into my undershirt. "That's my girlfriend and she's mine - when will you get that?!"

"Go ahead Pine Tree, try to act all heroic and intimidating." I dared him. "You know that your powerless against me." I sneered.

He flushed more, turning scarlet and clenched his jaw. "You aren't going to change her mind, Bill."

As fast as lighting, I swiped my hands up, yanking him off the ground so his feet dangled in the air. He made a choking noise as shock shot through his gaze. "Come on, Pine Tree. You're so pathetic." My tone turned dark and malicious.

He began shaking. He opened his mouth to speak, but was struggling to breath.

I suddenly could feel my skin burning and realized it was slowly turning red, like it did when ever I was angry. I had trouble controlling my rage at the moment. "Come on. Defend yourself meat-sack."

Pine Tree managed to struggle out of my grip and fell to the ground, gasping for air. He looked up at me in horror. " need to stay away from her..." He said, gasping in air. "You-you're dangerous."

I kneeled down so I was level with him and put one finger under his chin, forcing him to face me. My skin had cooled back to normal. "Listen, Dipper. I don't like being mad and I don't like people making me mad. Don't do that again."

He coward down and I stood up, grabbing his arm and pulling him up as well. Pine Tree seemed confused of my sudden change of mood. He jerked his arm back and held it gently. "Are you bipolar or something?" He muttered.

I shook my finger at him and he stared at it before meeting my eye. "No, no, no. I just try to make amends quicker than the average human. I don't wait till the awkwardness passes by. Those emotions rarely effect me."

Pine Tree cocked an eyebrow. "Are you, like, a science experiment of some type?"

I laughed. "Again, no. See, we've moved on." I went to sling my arm around him when he recoiled. I narrowed my eye. "Clearly...not..."

Pine Tree frowned at me angrily. "I have not moved on, what you did is wrong."

"Wrong? It's not like I did anything to her." I chuckled and whispered under my breath, "at least not on this timeline..."

He exhaled deeply. "Yes you did. It's not like I'm going to forgive you instantaneously the moment you tried to 'make amends.' I don't know where you come from, but it's not how things work out here."

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